Sheriff's Department Oversight Board 2023 Q4 Report

San Francisco Sheriff's Department Oversight Board Quarterly Report (October 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023) to the Sheriff and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors


Charter Section 4.137 (b) (5) mandates that the Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board (SDOB) “Prepare and submit a quarterly report to the Sheriff and the Board of Supervisors regarding the SDOB evaluations and outreach, and OIG (Office of Inspector General) reports submitted to the SDOB.”

Charter Section 4.137 also mandates that SDOB:
(2) Evaluate the work of OIG, and may review the Inspector General’s individual work performance.
(3) Compile, evaluate, and recommend law enforcement custodial and patrol best practices.
(4) Conduct community outreach and receive community input regarding SFSD operations and jail conditions, by holding public meetings and soliciting input from persons incarcerated in the City and County.

Evaluations of OIG during Q4 2023

An Inspector General has not yet been appointed and OIG has not yet been established so therefore, SDOB made no evaluations during the fourth quarter of 2023.

Evaluations of law enforcement custodial and patrol best practices during Q4 2023

SDOB did not undertake any evaluations of law enforcement custodial or patrol best practices during Q4 2023.

SDOB community outreach

The focus of the Q4 was solely on the interviews of Inspector General candidates and the final selection. No further community outreach was conducted during Q4.

OIG reports submitted to the SDOB Q4 2023

OIG has not yet been established.


At the regular meeting in October, SDOB disclosed coming out of closed session that it has interpreted “law enforcement” under Charter section 4.137 as law enforcement agencies that consist of police and sheriff departments in considering eligible candidates for Inspector General. Also at that meeting, SDOB elected President Soo to work with the Deputy City Attorney on language amendments to Charter section 4.137. To be noted, because Charter section 4.137 was established under a ballot initiative, any amendments must go before the voters. The deadline for completion is May 2024 for the November 2024 ballot.
SDOB received the remainder of a comprehensive presentation carried over from September from the Department of Police Accountability (DPA) of the 2021 and 2022 statistics on complaints against SFSO handled by DPA under the August 21, 2020 letter of agreement.

Mid-October, SDOB conducted in-person interviews of Inspector General candidates during a special meeting in closed session.

At the regular meeting in November, SDOB continued post-interview discussion on the Inspector General candidates in closed session. A candidate was selected, and the name was forwarded to the Department of Human Resources (DHR) for further vetting and clearance. At the end of the month, DHR finalized matters concerning pre-appointment vetting and an offer was made.
DPA provided a third quarter report on Sheriff’s Office investigations.

Director of Prisoner Legal Services (PLS), Nick Gregoratos, provided an informational report on what his department does for incarcerated individuals.

Chief Investigator for DPA, Erik Baltazar, made a presentation of how investigations are handled once received.

On December 20, 2023, Terry Wiley was officially announced and introduced as SDOB’s inaugural Inspector General at City Hall. Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr. administered the oath of office. The effective date of Mr. Wiley’s appointment is January 8, 2024.


Minutes may be found on the SDOB’s Website at: Corresponding video recordings may to found at San Francisco Government TV (SFGovTV) / Meetings / Video on Demand / Commissions, Councils& Boards / Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board:  —>

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SDOB 2023 Q4 Report