Bulletin 2021-01: Tour Policy

Section 1621(a) of the San Francisco Police Code states that it shall be a violation of Article 16 for a Cannabis Testing Facility, Cannabis Distributors, and Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailers to permit a tour to be conducted on their premises. Further, Section 1621(b) states that it is a violation of Article 16 for a Cannabis Manufacturing Facility, a Cannabis Cultivation Facility, or a Cannabis Microbusiness to permit a tour to be conducted on the Premises prior to January 1, 2019.

Pursuant to Section 1621(d), the Office of Cannabis is authorized to extend the prohibition outlined in 1621(b) beyond January 1, 2019.

Bulletin 2021-01 is being issued to notify all interested parties that the Office of Cannabis is extending the prohibition on tours set forth in Section 1621(b) through December 31, 2021, except as provided below. 

Notwithstanding this general prohibition and consistent with Section 1621(b)(6), the Office of Cannabis may, in its discretion, authorize tours of Cannabis Manufacturing Facilities, Cannabis Cultivation Facilities, and Cannabis Microbusinesses for educational purposes. If any Cannabis Manufacturing Facility, Cannabis Cultivation Facility, or Cannabis Microbusiness wishes to provide tours for educational purposes, the Permittee should submit a written request to the Office of Cannabis detailing the purpose and scope of the tour and the names and titles of those participating in the tour. 

Any violation of this Bulletin may be grounds for enforcement pursuant to Section 1632 and 1633 of the Police Code.

Posted on 12/21/2020

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