Reentry Transitional and Supportive Housing

Reentry Housing

Our drug and alcohol free housing programs serve justice involved adults who are ready to rebuild their lives.Sign up now

Reentry Housing Opportunities

Billie Holiday Center

Billie Holiday Center

The Billie Holiday Center (BHC) is a culturally responsive Reentry Navigation Center and transitional living space that is designed to provide a rapid connection to next-step resources for justice-involved adults experiencing homelessness, including those being released from the San Francisco County Jail. 

  • Provider:  Westside and THC
  • Length:  Varies
  • Eligibility:  Unstably Housed; TB and COVID Test
Minna Project

Minna Project

The Minna Project is a dual diagnosis transitional housing program with onsite supportive services.  The program offers clinical services, case management, reenrty planning, benefits acquisition, and assistance with permanent housing placement.

  • Provider:  Westside and UCSF/Citywide
  • Length:  12 to 24 Months
  • Eligibility:  History of mental illness and/or substance use
TRP Academy

TRP Academy

The Positive Directions TRP Academy is a culturally responsive, peer-led, abstinence-based, reentry therapeutic teaching community (TTC) and transitional housing program. The mutual self-help community has a recovery orientation, focusing on whole-person care and overall lifestyle changes.

  • Provider:  Westside
  • Length:  6 to 30 Months
  • Eligibility:  Men; Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) not accepted
James Baldwin House

James Baldwin House

The James Balwin House is a supportive transitional housing program that provides onsite clinical services and case management.

  • Provider:  Westside
  • Length:  12 Months
  • Eligibility:  SFAPD Clients; SMI
Pretrial Pilot Project

Pretrial Pilot Project

The Pretrial Pilot Project is a transitional housing program with onsite supportive and clinical services. 

  • Provider:  ECS
  • Length:  Varies
  • Eligibility: Clients of the Pretrial Diversion Project
Our House

Our House

Our House is a transitional housing program that provides onsite support and case management services.

  • Provider:  Westside
  • Length: 12 Months
  • Eligibility:  Clients of the Collaborative Courts; Men
HER House

HER House

Her House is a women’s gender responsive alternative sentencing, transitional housing program for justice involved women and children.

  • Provider:  Westside, Sister's Circle, Solutions for Women, Positive Directions
  • Length: 12 to 24 Months
  • Eligibility:  Women
Drake Hotel

New Horizons

New Horizons is a transitional housing program which offers participants onsite services, case management, and permanent housing placement.

  • Provider:  Tenderloin Housing Clinic
  • Length: 12 Months
  • Eligibility: Clients of the SFAPD; clients who complete 6 months of residential treatment are prioritized
TAYA Program

TAYA Program

TAYA progam provides transitional housing with onsite supportive services to transitional age young adults. The program is focused on housing stability and personal development which lead to self-sufficiency and independence. 

  • Provider:  Recovery Support Network
  • Length:  12 Months
  • Eligibility: Justice involved, 18-35 yo
Leroy Looper Program

Leroy Looper Program

The Leroy Looper Program is an independent living program that provides transitional housing to justice involved adults.

  • Provider:  THC
  • Length:  6 to 12 Months
  • Eligibility:  Must sucessfully complete an SFAPD or treatment program.
Phatt Chance Community Services

Phatt Chance

Community transitional housing and supportive services program located in San Francisco's Bayview District. The program provides shared living space which promotes wellness and community.

  • Provider:  Phatt Chance
  • Length:  12 Months
  • Eligibility:  Clients of the SFAPD
Other Housing Programs

Other Housing Programs

Other SFAPD funded housing programs include: 

  • RSN:  Emergency Housing Program
  • Five Keys: Home Free
  • Positive Directions Equals Change:  DKI Transitional Housing Program
  • ECS:  Step Up to Freedom


Our drug and alcohol free housing programs serve justice involved adults who are ready to rebuild their lives.

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