Traci Watson

SMC Member

Shelter Monitoring Committee
Traci Committee Member

As a native of San Francisco, I have always been a supporter of vulnerable communities and know a wide array of knowledgeable people.  Because of this I have been able help the Committee recruit new Members. 

I was reappointed to Seat 6 by the Board of Supervisors in June of 2022 to a 5th term, till July of 2024. I bring about 15 years of working with our city's unhoused and most vulnerable population. My passion lies with the work I do and the people I serve. The Committee truly allows me to be a voice for positive change and I am grateful for the chance to continue serving.   

Contact Traci Watson

Contact Shelter Monitoring Committee


Shelter Monitoring Committee440 Turk St.
San Francisco, CA 94102


We return voicemails Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm. All calls are confidential as much as possible while complying with mandatory reporting laws. You do not have to give your name, though it can be difficult to investigate a complaint without one.