Melanie Muasau
SMC Member

Melanie Muasau is a facilitator and court advocate with the Sisters Circle Women's Support Group. She was appointed by the Local Homeless Coordinating Board to the fill SMC Seat 10 on June 6, 2022. Melanie is intimately familiar with the urban struggles in San Francisco, with fifteen years lived experience on the streets of the Tenderloin and surrounding areas. This personal experience has given her the empathy needed to create solutions and join with others who wish to make a difference in the lives of our unhoused. If there are problems in the city of San Francisco, then it is the responsibility of OUR community to respond, as effectively and compassionately, as possible. If it affects US, it is about US and the only remedy is for US to come together to extend our hand to the afflicted.
Contact Shelter Monitoring Committee
San Francisco, CA 94102