Iowayna Peña
Director of Workforce Development

Iowayna Peña is the Director of Workforce for the City & County of San Francisco. She brings over a decade of direct experience developing and implementing programming to create career paths and opportunities for underrepresented individuals in the workforce. Prior to joining OEWD, she was the Director of Government Affairs and Real Estate Development for the San Francisco Giants, where she managed many aspects of the Mission Rock development project. Most notably, Iowayna led the implementation of Mission Rock Academy and the 1st women’s construction workforce development training in San Francisco. She has a background in education, sports medicine, and public policy. Having served in legislative roles for both Oakland and San Francisco, she is a dedicated advocate for equitable solutions to our societal challenges, and approaches this work with the goal of effecting change for under-resourced communities. Iowayna earned her M.S. in Kinesiology with a focus in Exercise Science from California State University, Fullerton where she excelled, graduating as an accomplished researcher. Iowayna is an active volunteer in her community, and in her free time enjoys hiking with her family or cruising around on her skateboard.
Contact Iowayna Peña
Contact Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Room 448
San Francisco, CA 94102
Economic Development Division
oewd@sfgov.orgWorkforce Development Division
workforce.development@sfgov.orgOffice of Small Business Division
sfosb@sfgov.orgPress Inquiries