Muni Funding Working Group

A muni bus crossing an intersection with pedestrians walking nearby

Muni Funding Working Group

The Controller's Office will lead and facilitate a working group that includes the Mayor’s Office, Board of Supervisors, Controller, SFMTA leadership, community partners, and members of the public to gather public input, identify solutions, and provide recommendations to address the near-term and medium-term funding gap.Upcoming Meeting


The Muni Funding Working Group will make recommendations to the SFMTA and the SFMTA Board of Directors on efficiency improvements, new funding sources, service cuts, and service enhancements. 

A summary of final recommendations will be published in 2025. 

Public Meetings

A series of public meetings will take place through March 2025. 

Public meeting agendas and other materials can be found under the Public Participation section below.

Resource Library

To learn more about past task force initiatives and view performance audits and reports, visit the Muni Funding Working Group Resource Library

Meeting Materials

To view meeting materials, visit the Muni Funding Working Group Meeting Materials page. Meeting materials will be posted on this page after each meeting.

Public Participation

Meeting Dates 

Working Group Members

Muni Funding Working Group members:

  • Chris Arvin, MTA Citizens' Advisory Council
  • Anthony Ballester, Transport Workers Union
  • Alicia John-Baptiste, Mayor's Office
  • Desira Brown, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
  • Tilly Chang, Director, San Francisco County Transportation Authority
  • Rodney Fong, President & CEO, SF Chamber of Commerce
  • Kristin Hardy, 1021 Vice President, SEIU
  • Jon Hee, Chinatown Transportation Research and Improvement Project
  • Steve Heminger, Director, SFMTA Board
  • Fiona Hinze, Director, SFMTA Board
  • Sara Johnson, Executive Director, San Francisco Transit Riders
  • Kathleen Kelly, Transportation Expert
  • Julie Kirschbaum, Director of Transportation, SFMTA
  • Rafael Mandelman, District 8 Supervisor and Chair of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority 
  • Myrna Melgar, District 7 Supervisor and Vice-Chair of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority 
  • Robin Pam, Parent Organizer, KidSafe
  • Seleta Reynolds, Chief Innovation Officer, LA Metro
  • Mia Satya, Transit Justice Organizer, Senior & Disability Action
  • Alex Sweet, Mayor's Transportation Advisor
  • Kim Tavaglione, Executive Director, SF Labor Council
  • Laurie Thomas, Golden Gate Restaurant Association
  • Laura Tolkoff, Transportation Policy Director, SPUR
  • Greg Wagner, Controller

Public Comment

The Muni Funding Working Group is a working group, not a policy body. While the working group is not required to take public comment, we welcome public participation and in-person public comment.

Public comments can also be shared via email to

Remote public participation is available upon request for individuals who cannot attend in person due to disability. To request accommodation, please contact at least three hours in advance of the meeting.


The Controller's Office will lead and facilitate a working group that includes the Mayor’s Office, Board of Supervisors, Controller, SFMTA leadership, community partners, and members of the public to gather public input, identify solutions, and provide recommendations to address the near-term and medium-term funding gap.

Partner agencies
