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Microsoft Teams Call-in by phone: 415-906-4659 Phone conference ID 893 812 818



Request To Update Losp Policies And Procedures Manual

The proposed LOSP Manual revisions clarify the guidance and update the timeline for grantees seeking LOSP Budget Increases and incorporate new and revised HSH policies approved during FY23-24.


Request To Update The Mohcd’s Pass Loan Guidelines

The PASS Program Regulations, which governs MOHCD's policies and underwriting for the Preservation and Seismic Safety (PASS) loan program, was originally approved by the San Francisco Citywide Affordable Housing Loan Committee in 2010 and has not been revised since. MOHCD Staff is recommending the Committee approve the proposed revisions to the Regulations which seek to make program updates to improve and streamline the program to account for innovations within the program and lessons learned over the past five years of administering the loan program.


Request For Predevelopment Financing For Mission Bay South Block 4 East

Mission Bay 4 East Associates, L.P., a California limited partnership, an affiliate of the Sponsors, Curtis Development (“CD”) and Bayview Senior Services (“BSS”), requests $5,111,731 in predevelopment financing from the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure to fund predevelopment activity, including design, engineering, environmental studies, legal and other predevelopment expenses, for a twophase development on Mission Bay South Block 4 East providing an estimated total of 400 affordable rental housing units. The requested financing includes predevelopment funds for Phase I (165 units) and partial predevelopment funds for Phase II (235 units). Both Phases will serve low-income families with up to 20% of units set aside to serve families exiting homelessness.