Sunset mental health
A behavioral health clinic located in the Sunset District for adults and older adults as well as children, youth, and their families.

San Francisco, CA 94116
Sunset Mental Health Center has two sites that serve individuals across all ages and have multiple specialized programs focused on meeting the behavioral health needs of San Francisco residents.
We serve individuals with have low incomes, who are uninsured, or have/qualify for Medicare, MediCal, or San Francisco Health Plan.
Services include:
- Assessments and evaluations
- Crisis services
- Individual and group therapy
- Case management (assessing needs, coordinating care, and connecting to other services)
- Medication support and treatment
- Wellness activities
Other services:
Mobile Outreach
The Mobile Outreach Team is a specialty team that engages with members who may have complex needs and struggle with attending scheduled appointments. This team is designed to meet with the members where they are and support connection or reconnection to clinic services.
Integrated Health Home (IHH):
Integrated Health Home/Tom Waddell Satellite is a specialized team that provides integrated primary care services embedded within the behavioral health clinic.
Our team speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish and Russian. Other languages are available via our translation phone service line.
Getting here
Public transportation
Judah N-line
Taraval L-line
Muni #7
Muni #18
Muni #29
Muni #48
Partner agencies
Contact us
San Francisco, CA 94116