Learn how the lottery works for Shirley Chisholm Village
Learn how the lottery works for Shirley Chisholm Village

Affordable housing for SFUSD employees
Shirley Chisholm Village is special housing for people who work at San Francisco Unified School District.How preferences work
Preferences are programs that give you a better chance at getting housing.
After the lottery, all applicants are ranked and ordered by the preference programs they qualify for.
If you do not qualify for a preference, you will be ranked below those who do.
For SFUSD employees
San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) employees get priority in the housing lottery.
SFUSD educators will rank highest in the lottery, followed by all other district employees.
SFUSD educators include people who work as teachers, early education teachers, paraeducators, pupil services employees. See detailed definitions.
For the general public
If you do not work at SFUSD, you can apply to Shirley Chisholm Village in September 2024.
Members of the general public will be ranked below SFUSD employees in the housing lottery.
Check if you qualify for any housing lottery preferences
Only 1 person needs to qualify.
When at least 1 person on your application qualifies for a preference, the entire household gets a higher lottery ranking.
Certificate of Preference
You qualify if you hold a Certificate of Preference (COP) issued by the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD).
The COP program is for people who were displaced from their homes by the SF Redevelopment Agency in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s.
Displaced Tenant Housing Preference
You qualify if you hold a Displaced Tenant Housing Preference (DTHP) certificate issued by the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD).
The DTHP program is for people who lost their homes because of:
- Ellis Act or owner move-in evictions
- Extensive fire damage
- Unaffordable rent from expired restrictions
Up to 26 units in Shirley Chisholm Village are set aside for people who qualify for DTHP.
Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference
You qualify if you already live in the same Supervisor District - District 4, or live within a half-mile of the building's address - 1360 43rd Avenue, San Francisco.
Up to 53 units in Shirley Chisholm Village are set aside for people who qualify for the Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference (NRHP).
Find out which Supervisor District you live in.
What documents you need.
Live or Work in San Francisco Preference
You qualify if you:
- Already live in San Francisco, or
- Work at least 75% of your working hours in San Francisco.
Priority for US Military Veterans
If you are a Veteran of the US Military, you can get priority within a preference category. You or someone on your application must qualify for at least 1 other lottery preference.
How lottery preferences will be ranked
Applicants will be contacted in the following order.
SF Unified School District educators who qualify for:
1. Certificate of Preference
2. Displaced Tenant Housing Preference
3. Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference
4. Live or Work in San Francisco Preference
5. General Lottery - no lottery preferences
SF Unified School District - all other employees who qualify for:
6. Certificate of Preference
7. Displaced Tenant Housing Preference
8. Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference
9. Live or Work in San Francisco Preference
10. General Lottery - no lottery preferences
Members of the general public who qualify for:
11. Certificate of Preference
12. Displaced Tenant Housing Preference
13. Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference
14. Live or Work in San Francisco Preference
15. General Lottery - no lottery preferences
Priority for US Military Veterans
Veterans get priority within any preference category.