U.S. Navy cleanup program information

Information about remaining U.S. Navy environmental remediation activities on Treasure Island.

U.S. Navy Base Realignment and Closure Project Management Office

Several parcels of land on Treasure Island remain under federal ownership in order to allow completion of environmental remediation activities by the United States Navy.  The Navy is legally required to complete all of its environmental remediation obligations, including radiological cleanup, prior to transferring these remaining parcels to the Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA). The Navy’s environmental remediation program is separate from TIDA's Treasure Island Development Project.

Visit the US Navy BRAC PMO website

The Navy provides residents of Treasure Island and the general public with information on its environmental remediation program through a variety of means as part of its ongoing Community Relations Program. Since 1994, the Navy has been holding Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meetings on Treasure Island that are open to the public, and post final copies of RAB meeting minutes and handouts on their website. Copies of agendas and meeting materials are mailed out to anyone requesting to be on the RAB mailing list. Navy staff and contractors attend each RAB meeting to provide an update on all of its environmental activities, including radiological cleanup, and to answer questions from residents and members of the public.

The Navy posts an annual update to its Site Management Plan (SMP) on their website, which provides a comprehensive status and schedule for each of the remediation sites in the Navy's environmental program. The Navy also prepares fact sheets and holds public meetings at key technical milestones in the environmental remediation program. Presentation materials, notices, and fact sheets are posted to the Navy website. The Navy maintains a repository of technical reports, fact sheets, newsletters and RAB meeting information that is publicly-available at the Navy Caretaker Office in Suite 161 of Building 1 on Treasure Island.

California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC)

The Navy provides up to date information directly to the public through its Community Relations Program. DTSC, as the lead regulatory agency overseeing the Navy’s environmental program, posts various documents related to the Navy’s cleanup activities on their website including draft documents for public review, final documents, fact sheets, updates and information, and a list of completed activities. DTSC Toll Free Number is: 1-866-495-5651 (Radhika Majhail, Public Participation).

Visit the California DTSC website.

Points of Contact Regarding Navy's Environmental Cleanup Program

United States Navy

Tahirih Linz, Navy BRAC Environmental Coordinator (BEC)

33000 Nixie Way, Blg. 50

San Diego, CA  92147

(619) 524-6073


Regional Water Quality Control Board

Katrina Kaiser, Project Manager, San Francisco Bay

1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400

Oakland, CA  94612

(510) 622-2379


California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)

Kim Walsh, Project Manager, San Francisco Bay

700 Heinz Avenue, Suite 200

Berkeley, CA  94710

(510) 540-3773 



Last updated May 19, 2022