Treasure Island Development Project housing and urban design
Learn about housing development principles and urban design philosophy on Treasure Island.
Final Notice and Public Explanation of a Proposed Activity in a 100-Year Floodplain - February 14, 2025
Equity and inclusion
Treasure Island's ongoing development is based on principles of equity and inclusion.
Of the 8,000 planned new homes:
- 27.2% (or 2,173 homes) are reserved for low income and homeless household
Of the 2,173 affordable homes:
- 20% are reserved for formerly homeless households
- 14% are inclusionary units that will be constructed by the master developer and integrated within market-rate buildings.
TIDA is responsible for the development of up to 1,866 new affordable homes in up to 20 parcels integrated throughout Treasure Island.
Urban Design
The new homes on the island will form neighborhoods enveloped by a regional waterfront park system that will occupy the majority of land on the island. A retail main street will link the historic buildings along Clipper Cove to the ferry and bus terminal.
The conventional street grid is rotated 35 degrees to orient streets southerly to maximize sun in neighborhoods and parks. Wind channels are mitigated by angling the secondary street grid. Streets and buildings are designed to maximize the effects of sun and minimize the impacts of wind.
Design philosophy
The project’s design grows out of Treasure and Yerba Buena Islands’ remarkable natural setting and rich history. A progressive design philosophy reflects a commitment to sustainability. The Island's innovative design embodies the City’s most desirable characteristics:
- Compact and walkable
- Eclectic, memorable and distinctive
- Sensitive to topography, views and aesthetics
- Economically, ethnically, and demographically diverse
Treasure Island Project Design for Development ("D4D") document
Treasure Island Project Housing Plan document (Project DDA Exhibit E)
Transition housing planning information for Treasure Island Villages residents
Transition housing planning information for One Treasure Island member agency residents