Guidelines for Adult Sex Venues (ASV)

Minimum Standards for Operation of Sex Clubs, Commercial Sex Venues and Parties.

I. Sexual Activities

The following activities have been identified as posing a risk for transmissions of STDs and/or HIV  in all sex clubs, commercial sex venues and parties:
•    Insertive and/or receptive anal intercourse without a latex or a polyurethane condom;
•    Insertive and/or receptive vaginal intercourse without a latex or a polyurethane condom;
•    Fisting without the use of a latex glove (due to likelihood of-blood exposure).

II. Other activities

In addition to the above activities, owners are expected to take reasonable steps to protect the general health of their patrons by recommending that patrons understand the risk associated with other activities and review current safer sex guidelines. These include the following activities: 

•    Oral intercourse with ejaculation without the use of a barrier impermeable to HIV/STDs;
•    Cunnilingus without the use of a barrier impermeable to HIV/STDs;
•    Rimming or fingering without the use of a barrier impermeable to HIV/STDs;
•    The shared use of dildos (without the use of a latex or polyurethane condom) and other personal sex toys.
•    Any other activities that may result in the breaking of the skin and/or bleeding

III. Rules

  1.  All sex clubs, commercial sex venues and parties should display signs in the city’s mandated languages (English, Chinese, Spanish and Tagalog) which inform patrons about sexual activities and safer sex guidelines online and in the establishment. Other languages should be added as deemed necessary to be culturally relevant for the clientele.  Signs must include those behaviors which are appropriate to the customers/members that frequent the sex clubs, commercial sex venues and parties. These signs must be posted at the entrance to the club or party, where customers/members pay entrance fee, and in multiple locations throughout the facility. Signs must be printed in lettering no less than one inch in height and one -quarter inch width. Signs must be readable and visible to patrons. 
  2.  All owner/operators are required to obtain the written acknowledgment from each patron indicating that they have agreed to adhere to the posted rules regarding prohibited sexual activities. Patrons must be made aware of the consequences of non-compliance to the posted rules.
  3.  All sex clubs, commercial sex venues and parties operators are required to ensure that each customer/member’s age is verified to be at least 18 years old, via an unaltered, clearly visible valid (unexpired) current state or county issued identification card and/or Driver’s License or passport.  A customer/member’s age is to be verified upon each entry.
  4.  No person should be admitted who is visibly intoxicated or under the influence of substances. 
  5.  The sale or consumption of alcohol or other substances is not allowed on the premises of sex clubs, commercial sex venues and parties. 
  6.  Anyone who rents out the space of a sex club, commercial sex venue or party venue to host an event and/or party must comply and adhere to the same rules of the permitted site owner/operator. 
  7.  All sex clubs, commercial sex venues and party operators are required to implement an “Alert” system for notification of medical emergencies and sexual assault of customers/members. 
  8.  Sex in the exchange for money or free entry is not allowed on the premises of sex clubs, commercial sex venues, or parties. 

IV. Condoms and Safe Sex Materials

  1. All establishments are required to provide safe sex materials free of charge. These must include lubricated condoms, non-lubricated condoms, water-based lubricants, gloves and plastic or latex barriers. Instructions on proper use of condoms must also be made available. Patrons must be made aware of where these supplies are located in the establishment.
  2. Establishments which allow anal and/or vaginal intercourse are required to provide lubricated condoms in every booth, cubicle, room, compartment, or stall.  These should be routinely checked for expiration dates and replaced accordingly.
  3. An adequate supply of safe sex materials must be maintained for use by patrons at all times the club or party is in operation.

V. Monitoring

All areas of the commercial sex club, commercial sex venue or sex party must be accessible by the staff routinely for the safety of patrons and to replenish supplies. 

  1. Staff must ensure condoms/lubricants and safer sex materials are replenished in every booth, room, cubicle, compartment, or stall.
  2. Each sex club, commercial sex venue or party must have a minimum of two staff members on shift on the premises at the during the hours of operation. These must include at least one trained floor staff and a "front-door person".
  3. Each sex club, commercial sex venue or party organizer staff must intervene immediately to stop activities if patrons are engaging in illegal activities or sexual assault. 

VI. Training

All staff of sex club, commercial sex venue or party are required to receive training within the first two weeks of start date about IDU, Narcan administration and STD/HIV transmission and prevention, as well as intervention techniques, and also required to attend a refresher course at least once per year. Curriculum for this training must be submitted to the Department of Public Health, Population Health Division, Community Health Equity & Promotion Branch for approval. 

VII. Lighting

During operating hours, all areas of the sex club or party must be sufficiently lighted to enable staff and patrons to navigate and engage in a safe and comfortable manner. 

VIII. Rooms, Booths and Cubicles

Sex clubs, commercial sex venues or parties may offer rooms, booths, and cubicles which lock for patrons to have access. The owner/operators of all sex clubs, commercial sex venues and party organizers are expected to maintain strict cleaning procedures in between use and replenish safer sex materials.  Copies of keys for locked spaces should be available in case emergency access is required.   

IX. Education

Sex clubs, and commercial sex venue owners/operators and/or party organizers are expected to provide STD/HIV educational materials to patrons in English, Spanish, Chinese and Tagalog. These materials must include posters, brochures, articles, and/or videotapes which promote safe sex activities. Sex clubs, and commercial sex venue owners/operators and/or party organizers are encouraged to conduct STD/HIV prevention activities such as workshops, events, allow agencies to provide STD/HIV testing and one-on-one counseling, in addition to providing health education materials to patrons. 

X. Fire, Building, Planning, Health, and Police Codes

All clubs and parties must comply with Fire, Building, Planning, Health, and Police codes. The facility must have at least two exit routes to permit prompt evacuation of patrons/employees during an emergency. 

XI. Wash-up and Waste Disposal Facilities

All clubs and parties must provide adequate wash-up facilities for their patrons. This includes the  provision of hot and cold running water, liquid soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels. Each sex club, commercial sex venue or party organizer also must provide an adequate number of waste receptacles, placed where patrons have access for the easy disposal of used condoms and other materials. 

Last updated September 11, 2024