What we need from you
1. You and your project team
We will ask about:
- You
- The property owner
- Professionals working on the project, like an architect, contractor, or engineer and their license number and expiration date
- Anyone else on the project team
2. Building location
We will ask you about your building site:
- Street address of project
- Block and lot number
Look up your block and lot number through our property information map using your street address.
Block and lot number are also called parcel. If a parcel number is 0000/111, then the block number is 0000 and the lot number is 111.
3. Project plan
We will ask you about your project plan including:
- Type of construction (See our construction type definitions)
- Dwelling units
- Stories of occupancy
- Basements and cellars
- Present use
- Occupancy class
- Estimated cost of project
- Project scope of work
You can also tell us your construction lender name, branch designation, and address.
4. Construction details
We will ask you if your project will:
- Add a driveway (also called an auto runway)
- Extend beyond the property line
- Use street space
- Use sub-sidewalk space
- Include electrical work
- Include plumbing work
- Create additional height or stories to the building
- Create a deck or horizontal extension to the building
New construction (In-House review projects)
For new construction for in-house review projects, we will ask about:
- Size of lot
- Building location relative to nearby streets
- Other buildings on the lot
- Additional stories
For In-House review projects, if you are submitting addenda to site permit originally submitted electronically, follow these instructions.
Legal terms
You will need to tell us about your worker’s compensation insurance and agree to our legal terms.