Sign rules in Chinatown residential neighborhood commercial district
Learn what types of signs you are allowed to put up in Chinatown residential neighborhood commercial district.
These types of business signs are allowed in the Chinatown residential neighborhood commercial district.
Window signs
You may paint a sign or apply a sign directly on the surface of your window glass.
- Number of signs: No limit
- Illumination: None, indirect, or direct
- Area: The total area of all window signs cannot exceed one third the area of the window that the sign is on
Wall signs
You may paint or place a sign directly against a flat building wall.
- Number of signs: No limit
- Illumination:
- All hours: None or indirect
- Business hours only: Direct
- Area:
- Maximum of 50 square feet, or 1 square foot per foot of business street frontage, whichever is less
- Example: If business has 25 feet of frontage along front property line(s), then 25 square feet of wall signs are allowed
- Cannot cover more than 75% of the surface of a wall, excluding openings
- Maximum of 50 square feet, or 1 square foot per foot of business street frontage, whichever is less
- Height: 15 feet or the height of the wall the sign is attached to, whichever is less
Projecting signs
Projecting signs are allowed for a business.
- Number of signs: 1 per business
- Illumination:
- All hours: None or indirect
- Business hours only: None, indirect, or direct
- Area: Maximum of 24 square feet
- Height: 15 feet or the height of the wall the sign is attached to, whichever is lower
- Projection: Cannot project more than 75% of the distance between the street property line and the curb, or 6-feet 6-inches, whichever is less
- Example: If the distance between the street property line and curb is 8 feet, then a sign may project 6 feet.
Signs on awnings
A sign may be located on an awning. If a sign is located on an awning, the business may not have any wall signs or projecting signs.
- Illumination: None or indirect
- Area: Maximum of 20 square feet