Plan your site for an accessible event

Understand what you need to consider when choosing an event site.

Choose a site that is accessible

All sites used to host public meetings and events must be ADA compliant. Evaluating an accessible site starts at the street. This means there must be an accessible route from the street to the event entrance, as well as accessible routes to all event activities. The accessible route may include parking, sidewalks, walkways, ramps, and elevators. An accessible route is an unobstructed path that is firm, stable, and slip resistant. It connects all accessible features and is at least 36 – 48 inches wide. Stairs and sand are never part of an accessible route. If the main route to the event is not accessible, you must mark the alternate accessible route with directional signage by using clear, easy-to-read signs placed in consistent locations.  

View printable signage resources here

Transportation and parking

Enhance meeting and event access by locating the event close to public transportation. If a passenger loading zone is provided, there must also be an accessible loading zone (white zone with curb ramp or appropriate temporary loading zone). If your event provides transportation, for example a shuttle, wheelchair accessible vehicles must also be available and advertised.

Watch this video to learn about accessible parking and passenger loading zones.

View Required accessible parking spaces ratio here

Learn about accessible transportation here

Restrooms and drinking fountains

If there are restrooms available at the meeting or event site, you must provide accessible restrooms. When there are drinking fountains, they must be accessible. When you provide telephones, they should be accessible. Where you provide portable toilets for the general public, for every bank of toilets at least 5% (10% recommended) must be ADA compliant. 

View accessible toilet and drinking fountain requirements


