January 9, 2020 IRC Executive Committee meeting

Thursday, January 9, 2020

In this page:


    1. Call to Order and Roll Call

      Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.

      Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Radwan, Rahimi.

      Not Present: Commissioner Khojasteh (excused).

      Staff Present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore.

    2. Public Comment

      There was no public comment.

    3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes


      a. Approval of December 5, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

      b. Approval of December 16, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

      Commissioner Rahimi motioned to approve the December 5, 2019 and December 16, 2019 Executive Committee minutes. Commissioner Radwan seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

    4. Discussion/Action Items:


      a. January IRC Retreat and Elections Planning

      OCEIA staff provided an overview of the retreat agenda.

      Commissioner Radwan nominated Chair Kennelly as chair and Vice Chair Paz as vice chair of the Commission. Commissioner Rahimi seconded the nominations. Staff will add their names to any other candidates nominated for the January 13, 2020 officer elections.

    5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)


      a. Director’s Updates

      Director Pon provided an overview of Mayor Breed’s launch of SF Counts on January 17, 2020. Commissioners are invited to attend. OCEIA staff will post a passive meeting notice that a majority of Commissioners may be present at this event (no commission business will be discussed).  

      b. Implicit Bias Training

      All Commissioners were required to complete the Implicit Bias training by December 31, 2019. Director Pon thanked all Commissioners who have completed the training.

    6. Old Business


      a. Follow-up Actions: Special Hearings on Asylees and DACA

      Commissioner Rahimi sent a draft letter to Director Pon and Chair Kennelly requesting funding for community organizations providing legal support and other services to DACA recipients. Director Pon noted the City’s current budget constraints and priorities (homelessness, housing, equity). Vice Chair Paz stated that the Commission could discuss other ideas at the retreat. Chair Kennelly suggested that the Executive Committee prepare ideas in advance.

      b. Follow-up Action: Commissioner Monge’s Proposal for a Letter to the Office of the Controller requesting information

      Chair Kennelly will email Commissioner Monge tomorrow regarding the letter.

    7. New Business

      a. Proposed Resolution (Commissioner Rahimi)

      Commissioner Rahimi noted that the Iranian American community is concerned about how the current administration will respond to an escalation of conflict with Iran. Administrations have used such conflicts to infringe on the civil liberties of U.S. residents in the past. He proposed that the Commission consider a resolution on the matter. Commissioner Rahimi will draft a resolution for the Commission to vote on during its retreat. OCEIA staff will add the vote as an action item on the retreat agenda.

    8. Adjournment

      Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm.

    Date & Time

    Thursday, January 9, 2020
    6:15 pm

    Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs

    50 Van Ness Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94102
    View location on google maps
    Last updated May 19, 2022