In accordance with Proposition C (approved by voters in November 2024), the Inspector General (IG) and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) have been rebranded as the “Sheriff’s Inspector General (SIG)” and the “Office of Sheriff’s Inspector General (OSIG),” respectively.

Office of Sheriff's Inspector General
We investigate allegations of misconduct against the San Francisco Sheriff's Office and its employees.


Office of Sheriff's Inspector General
We investigate allegations of misconduct against the San Francisco Sheriff's Office and its employees.

Former Sheriff's Inspector General Terry Wiley
San Francisco’s inaugural Inspector General, Terry Wiley, stepped down from the role on January 10, 2025, and was sworn in as an Alameda County Superior Court judge just days later, on January 15, 2025. To learn more about his work while in office, check out the Inspector General’s 2024 Summary Report. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Oversight Board (SDOB) will determine the next steps for the Office of the Sheriff’s Inspector General (OSIG). In the meantime, the San Francisco Department of Police Accountability (DPA) will continue to handle complaints about sheriff deputies and conduct independent investigations as part of their agreement with the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO). For details, see the Second Amended Agreement Between the SFSO and the DPA, effective January 5, 2024. The DPA will also continue providing operational support to the SDOB and the OSIG.
Letters of Agreement
The establishment of the Office of Sheriff's Inspector General (OSIG) was sanctioned by voters in 2020 to ensure independent oversight of the Sheriff's Office.
The OSIG will assume the responsibilities initiated by the Department of Police Accountability (DPA) to examine claims of misconduct involving the San Francisco Sheriff's Office and its personnel.
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San Francisco, CA 94103
Office of Sheriff's Inspector General