About the Local Homeless Coordinating Board


The LHCB was formed in 1996 to oversee the integrated health, housing, employment, and social service system described in the 1996-2001 Continuum of Care plan, which was drafted by the Homeless Budget Advisory Task Force. 

The Board has been meeting monthly since it was formed, coordinating the:

  • City’s homeless policy
  • McKinney funding
  • Continuum of Care implementation

The Local Homeless Coordinating Board (LHCB) serves as the is the San Francisco Continuum of Care in accordance with applicable U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rules and regulations. 

The LHCB serves an advisory body to the Homelessness Oversight Commission on issues relating to the City’s participation in the Continuum of Care program. 

LHCB members are appointed by the Homelessness Oversight Committee.

Board members

  • Seat 1: Del Seymour
  • Seat 2: Vacant
  • Seat 3: Meghan Rohrer
  • Seat 4:  Vacant
  • Seat 5: Cedric Akbar
  • Seat 6: Mercedes Bullock
  • Seat 7: Romie Nottage
  • Seat 8: Hope Kamer
  • Seat 9: Danielle McVay
  • Seat 10: Vacant
  • Seat 11: Margaret McNulty

Seat requirements

Seat 1: shall be held by a homeless or formerly homeless person

Seats 2 – 11: shall by held by people who represent relevant organizations, or projects serving one or more homeless subpopulations in San Francisco, as the terms “relevant organizations” and “homeless subpopulations” are used in 42 C.F.R Section 578.5(b). Members may represent more than one relevant organization or homeless subpopulation.

Members of the Local Homeless Coordinating Board may not serve on any other City body that advises on issues relating to homelessness during their term(s). This includes but is not limited to: the Homelessness Oversight Commission, Shelter Grievance Advisory Committee, or the Shelter Monitoring Committee.

Apply to the Local Homeless Coordinating Board