Controller's Office

Controller’s Office Releases Additional Information About Contracts and Grants City Had with Dwayne Jones and Related Entities Following His Criminal Charges

Following an initial assessment of the Community Challenge Grants program that revealed a deeply flawed system of awarding grants, including fabricated scores, a new report outlines the ways city money awarded to nonprofit Urban Ed Academy has been tainted by irregularities and the circumventing of City rules.

City Workgroup Calls for Urgent Leveraging of State Funding to Expand Behavioral Health Placements for Complex Clients

Subject matter experts convened by Mayor London Breed and Supervisor Mandelman publish recommended next steps to secure long-term treatment for San Franciscans with severe mental illness.

New Policies and Tools Issued by City Controller to Improve Oversight of Nonprofits

The new set of policies will help organizations, city departments, and the communities better track the delivery of services provided by the over 700 nonprofit organizations contracted to work with San Francisco government.

Performance Results on San Francisco’s Public Services Released, Along with Interactive Dashboard Showcasing the State of Public Parks for Residents

Reports summarize the delivery of resident services in San Francisco between July 2023 and June 2024, showing both positive trends and areas for improvement.

Mayor London Breed Issues Executive Directive for Comprehensive Charter Reform

Thirty years since last major charter reform effort, Mayor Breed initiates process to improve efficiency of government with a goal of setting major reform on November 2026 ballot

Mayor Breed Signs Balanced Budget To Fund Key City Priorities To Move San Francisco Forward

The $15.9 billion budget prioritizes funding that builds on recent progress with critical investments in core government operations, public safety, homelessness, children and families, and economic revitalization

Controller’s Office launches benchmarking project showing San Francisco in context to peer cities on key Vision Zero indicators

City Performance published a Vision Zero Benchmarking Website presenting San Francisco in context to peer cities on key indicators

San Francisco Leaders Support Business Tax Reform Proposal to Strengthen City Economy

Controller and Treasurer release final business tax reform proposal in response to call from Mayor Breed, Board President Peskin, and Supervisor Mandelman

Audit Finds One of City's Providers of Housing for Unhoused Residents Had Serious Financial Shortfalls Compounded by Wasteful Spending

HomeRise misused taxpayer funds, spending money on expenses not allowed by its city agreements and demonstrated gross financial mismanagement.

Following the Arrest and Sentencing of Former General Manager, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Is Given Recommendations to Prioritize Organizational Culture and Tone at the Top

Assessment recommendations center around fostering an ethical departmentwide culture of transparency and restricting the ability of senior management to override departmental and city policies.