Commission on the Status of Women

We ensure women and girls equal economic, social, political and educational opportunities in San Francisco.

Schedule & Comments on Agenda Items 

  • We meet on fourth Wednesdays from 5-7 PM.
  • Email comments on agenda items to by 5 pm the day before a meeting.


For those attending in person, City Hall has ramps at the Grove, Van Ness, and McAllister entrances.

Call the Commission Secretary at (415) 252-2570, or email, to ask for:

  • Assistive listening devices
  • Real time captioning
  • ASL interpreters
  • Readers
  • Large print agendas
  • Other accommodations

You must ask at least 3 days before the meeting.


Commission on the Status of Women Regular February Meeting
Commission on the Status of Women Regular January Meeting



Tasked with helping to transform San Francisco into a fully gender equitable City, the San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women champions the equitable treatment and advancement of women and girls across social, economic and political indexes through policies, programs and legislation, both within City and County government and in the private sector.


We envision a world where equality for women, girls and nonbinary people is woven into every fabric of our society. We have full agency and autonomy over our bodies and the power to shape and control our futures and our livelihoods.

Learn more about us
Partner agencies


Headshot of Sophia Andary
PresidentSophia AndaryCo-FounderWomen's March
Headshot of Ani Rivera
Vice President Ani RiveraBoard Member / Treasurer
Headshot of Cecilia Chung
Cecilia ChungCivil Rights Leader and HIV Advocate
Photo of Commissioner Anne Moses who has dark brown hair, is wearing a necklace and a white top and is smiling
Dr. Anne MosesNon-Profit, Philanthropic and Political Consultant
Headshot of Dr. Shokooh Miry
Dr. Shokooh MiryPsychologist
Diane Jones Lowrey(she/her)Global Brand Marketing / Social Impact Leader

Contact information


Commission Secretary415-252-2570


Department on the Status of Women

Request public records

Submit requests for the Commission on the Status of Women.