Muni collisions

Monthly Muni collisions per 100,000 vehicle miles.

Measure description

The Muni vehicle collision rate measures the ratio of Muni collisions to every 100,000 miles of Muni service. Muni collisions are a key outcome indicator of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)’s progress in creating a safer transportation experience for everyone, which is one of its strategic objectives (link strategic plan).  

Why this measure is important

Reporting on monthly Muni collisions per 100,000 vehicle miles provides the public, elected officials, and City staff with a current snapshot of the safety of Muni vehicles. Having safe Muni vehicles incentivizes the use of transit during San Franciscans’ daily commute, while also furthering the City’s Vision Zero goals.  

The interactive chart below presents the monthly number of Muni collisions per 100,000 vehicle miles.  

Muni collisions per 100,000 vehicle miles

Chart description

  • Y-axis: Muni collisions per 100,000 vehicle miles  
  • X-axis: Calendar years 

How performance is measured

Monthly Muni collisions are calculated using the following methodology:

Number of Muni collisions in the month divided by the total number of Muni miles traveled and then multiplied by 100,000. 

Data on Muni collisions are reported through the TransitSafe system and are recorded in the Muni asset management database. 

The number displayed on the scorecard page represents a fiscal year average of the values in the chart above. 

Additional information


All Muni Collisions data comes from SFMTA’s Performance Portal. Muni Collisions data are reported with a two-month lag. For example May’s data will be available at the end of July.  

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