Community Engagement
Community Engagement
Assessor Torres in Community
See Assessor Torres at your local library, at a neighborhood meeting, at the annual Family Wealth Forum, at an Estate Planning Workshop or celebrating with our vibrant communities.Assessor Torres across the city

Estate Planning Program
Residents in Southeast neighborhoods and the Western Addition are eligible for a free to low-cost estate plan.

Family Wealth Forum
Every August, Assessor Torres hosts the Family Wealth Forum to strengthen homeownership and financial literacy.

Public Budget Hearing
Each Spring, our office hosts a public budget hearing which highlights our priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.
In the neighborhood
Assessor in the Neighborhood is an annual series where Assessor Torres holds open office hours at local libraries and leads educational presentations with community groups.

Gallery 190
The "Close to Home" exhibit in collab with the SF Public Library examines on the City's history of redlining and racially restrictive covenants and our work to undo the past harms.
Outreach Highlights
Explore Assessor-Recorder Torres' latest public engagement highlights map. The goal is to provide education and resources that will assist taxpayers in planning for the future.