Community CPR Initiative

A nurse teaches Lou Seal, Mascot of the San Francisco Giants how to do hands only CPR

Get free group training

Learn to use cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automatic electronic defibrillators (AEDs) to save lives. Sign up

Save lives through CPR

San Francisco needs more people trained in CPR and using AEDs

  • Use of CPR and AEDs prior to EMS arrival can greatly improve the chance of survival for sudden cardiac arrest
  • Use our free resources and training to help save lives

Set up training for your group

Your school, business or organization can sign up for Hands Only CPR and AED training at an existing event. We will help organize it for you.

Training is free.

Find the closest AED

In an emergency, find the closest AED on this map. Only trained people can use AEDs. The more people we train, the more lives we can save.

PulsePoint is active in San Francisco!

San Francisco is a member of PulsePoint, a mobile app operated through 911. It alerts trained people who are nearby during an incident.

Add your AED on the map

Automated external defibrillators (AED) save lives. Add yours to the map. Those trained in using AEDs use this map to find the nearest one.


PulsePoint QR Code to Download Phone App that includes the PulsePoint log and logo for the SF Emergency Medical Services Agency

Get the PulsePoint App

If you can't scan the QR code, download the PulsePoint App using this link instead.

San Francisco Launches PulsePoint App to Save Lives

Learn more about PulsePoint Respond, a mobile phone application used to increase community awareness of medical emergencies, and to alert and direct CPR-trained individuals to cardiac arrest victims needing CPR nearby.