Community Assessment and Services Center
Community Assessment and Services Center

The CASC is behavioral health-focused, one-stop reentry center that provides support to justice involved adults including clinical and reentry case management, medication management and distribution, peer mentoring, 1:1 therapy, education and employment services, barrier removal, benefits enrollment, support groups, and access to transitional housing. Sign up nowCASC Services

CASC Reentry Center
The CASC is a one-stop reentry center that offers an array of opportunities for justice involved adults. There are several community based organizations onsite ready to help you:
- Get a job
- Finish your education
- Get connected to a case manager
- Enroll in benefits
- Get an ID or Social Security Card
- Grab a snack or lunch

Case Management
Case management services are available to clients on probation and other justice involved adults. Case managers will help you create a plan and connect you to the services you need, such as:
- Transitional Housing
- Mental Health Support
- Detox/Drug Treatment
- Employment Services
- ID, Social Security
- Barrier Removal
Get connected to a case manager.

Employment Services
The CASC is the Specialized Job Center for Reentry Employment Services. Onsite services are led by SF Goodwill, Code TL and UCSF/Citywide. Your future starts today. We can help you with:
- Career Assessment
- Job Placement
- Vocational Training
- Resume Writing
- Barrier Removal
- Subsidized Employment
Get connected to employment services.

Support Groups
The CASC offers an array of groups and classes (onsite, virtual, and in the community) that provide an opportunity to share experiences, learn from others, and develop a support network for challenging situations.
- The Gathering
- Think for a Change
- Anger Management
- Healthy Relationships
- Managing Your Emotions
- CASC Group Schedule
Get connected to a group.

Behavioral Health Services
Talking about your mental health and substance use challenges is the first step to changing your life. There are a variety of options ranging from serives onsite at the CASC and others in the community. We can help you with:
- 1:1 Clinical Therapy
- Residential Treatment
- Outpatient Treatment
- Detox
- Medication Management
- Cognitive Behavirior Interventions
Get connected to services.
Reentry Resources
Below are some helpful resouces that will keep you connected to a variety of services:
Access Resources
Downloadable files
The CASC is San Francisco's premier reentry center designed to meet the dynamic needs of justice-involved adults.