Become an authorized backflow prevention assembly tester

Get a permit to test backflow prevention assemblies and keep our drinking water clean.

What to know


There is an application fee and an annual license fee. Check the fee schedule for the exact amount.

Health code exam requirement

You will need to take an exam on the SF Health Code to get your certificate. We give exams every quarter.

What to do

1. Gather your documents

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of your current Test Equipment Calibration Certificate
  • A copy of your current Certificate of Competency - Backflow Prevention Assembly General Tester from one of these agencies:
    • American Water Works Association (AWWA)
    • American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE)
    • American Backflow Prevention Association (ABPA)
    • Northern California Backflow Prevention Association (NCBPA)
  • An original Certificate of General Liability Insurance with attached cross-liability clause. Make sure your certificate:
    • Shows at least $2,000,000 General Liability
    • Includes your name and your valid Certificate of Competency from AWWA, ASSE, ABPA, or NCBPA
    • Has the following language: 
      • "The City and County of San Francisco, its Officers and Employees, are named as additional insured pursuant to all operations performed for them by the named insured."
    • Lists the certificate holder as:
      • SFDPH Environmental Health, Attn: Cross-Connection Program. 49 South Van Ness Ave., Suite 600, San Francisco CA 94103
    • Includes a 10-day prior written notice of cancellation, non-renewal, or material change to SFDPH Environmental Health

2. Submit your documents

Email your documents to:

3. Pay the application fee

Pay the application fee. Write a check or money order to the SF Department of Public Health and send to:

49 South Van Ness Avenue
Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103

Include "ATTN: Cross-Connection Program" in the address.

4. Take the exam

Once we have your documents, we will contact you. We will schedule you for the exam on San Francisco Health Code covering backflow prevention. We offer the exam every quarter. We give exam spots based on the application date.

Make sure you:

  • Send your documents from Step 1 at least 3 business days before the exam
  • Get at least a 70% on the exam to pass

5. Pay the annual license fee

The Tax Collector's Office will send you a bill for your annual license certificate fee. We will mail you your Permit to Operate and add you to our approved tester list.

Special cases

Next steps

Maintain your license

Every year, make sure you:

  • Submit a copy of your current Test Equipment Calibration Certificate
  • Submit a current and updated Certificate of General Liability Insurance. For more details, review Step 1 in the application process above.
  • Pay the annual license fee to the SF Tax Collector's Office

Send your documents to

Every 3 years, make sure you:

  • Make a copy of your renewed Certificate of Competency - Backflow Prevention from one of these agencies:
    • Assembly General Tester from American Water Works Association (AWWA)
    • American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE)
    • American Backflow Prevention Association (ABPA)
    • Northern California Backflow Prevention Association (NCBPA) 
  • Send the certificate to

End your license

If your business closed or you are no longer working in San Francisco: 

Get help

Additional info

Email or call the Water Quality Division

If you have technical issues with the Cross Connection Assembly Management System (CCAMS) database or questions about backflow prevention assemblies: