Apply for child support

You can open a case online, by mail, or in person at our Child Support office.

What to know


$0 to $35

Under federal law, we are required to charge a yearly service fee of $35 for certain non-assisted cases. If the fee applies to you, you will receive an annual notice in October for each case that will be charged. 

Keep in mind

  • For in-person help, you can make an appointment or just drop in during business hours.
  • You can apply in a lot of ways. Call us if you need help. 

What to do

Apply online

You'll be asked for basic information about yourself, your children, and the other parent.

It can take 5 to 15 minutes to apply.

Apply in person

You can apply for child support in person at the Department of Child Support Services. 

You can either:

Get ready for your visit 

We look forward to working with you! Prepare for your first visit

Child Support ServicesMain Office
617 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
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Monday to
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Friday to

Open Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 pm

Made an appointment but need to cancel it? Let us know you need to change your appointment.

Apply by mail

1. Fill out an application 

Download the PDF packet and fill in your details.

2. Mail your application 

Child Support ServicesMain Office
617 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Get directions
Monday to
Tuesday to
Wednesday to
Thursday to
Friday to

Open Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 pm

Special cases

If someone isn't legally recognized as a parent

Sometimes a parent or guardian is not recognized by law as their child's legal caregiver.

This can affect whether you can get child support and other benefits, as well as custody and visitation rights.

There's a free way to get legally recognized. See how to get recognized as a legal parent.

What happens next?

Expect to hear back about the status of your application.

Contact our office if you have any questions. 

Get help


Child Support ServicesMain Office
617 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Get directions
Monday to
Tuesday to
Wednesday to
Thursday to
Friday to

Open Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 pm


You must answer automated questions before you talk to someone.

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