Give feedback to 311

Send a compliment or complaint, tell us how we did, or share thoughts on what you like and how we can improve


Send us quick feedback

If you have a compliment or complaint about your experience with 311, let us know.

Fill out our survey

This survey gives us structured feedback about both our telephone services and our self-service options through our website and mobile app.

We will ask you about: 

  • How often you use our services
  • How you'd rate your experience
  • Your overall satisfaction with 311
  • Any additional comments or improvements you would like to see from 311

It will take about 5 minutes to answer this survey.

Our goal is to provide you with great customer service. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you think, good or bad, so we can better serve you. From all of us at 311 - thank you. 



Call 311 to give feedback


415-701-2311 if calling from outside San Francisco
For TTY, press 7




415-701-2311 if you are calling from outside of San Francisco

For TTY, press 7

最後更新 August 17, 2023