Environmental review

April 1, 2024

  1. Treasure Island Parcel IC4.3
  2. 80 Julian Avenue Mixed-Use Housing Development
  3. 249 Pennsylvania Avenue Mixed-Use Housing Development
  4. 772 + 758 Pacific Avenue - New Asia Affordable Housing Development
  5. 1610 Geary Boulevard: Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation and Pagoda Seismic Retrofit Project
  6. 1044 Howard Street - Building Rehabilitation Project
  7. 4200 Geary Boulevard Affordable Housing Development
  8. 2550 Irving Street Affordable Housing Development
  9. Reevaluation of Potrero HOPE SF Environmental Impact Statement
  10. Herz Recreation Center
  11. Hunters Point Shipyard Parcel 56
  13. Asian Americans Advancing Justice
  14. Maitri
  15. San Francisco Boys and Girls Club
  16. Throughline
  17. 180 Jones Street
  18. Plaza East
  19. 519 Ellis Street RAD Conversion - The Senator
  20. Hayes Valley North - 650 Linden Street
  21. COVID
  22. 4840 Mission Street
  23. 106 South Park
  24. Midtown Rehabilitation
  25. Programmatic Agreement Compliance Report
  26. 681 Florida Street
  27. 500 Turk Street
  28. Mission Bay South Six West
  29. Revisions to the Programmatic Agreement
  30. 490 South Van Ness Avenue
  31. 730 Stanyan Street
  32. Treasure Island Affordable Housing Development
  33. Draft EIS for Yerba Buena Ramps
  34. Mission Bay South Six West
  35. 1296 Shotwell
  36. 88 Broadway - 735 Davis Street
  37. Transbay Block 7 Affordable Housing
  38. Mission Bay Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing at 1150 Third Street
  39. Casa-de-la-Mision
  40. Critical Community Improvement Program
  41. Sunnydale Parcel Q
  42. Fourth and Folsom Housing Development
  43. 1036 Mission Street Affordable Housing Project
  44. Potrero HOPE SF Master Plan
  45. RAD Environmental Review Documents
  46. 1950 Mission Street Jurisdictional Transfer
  47. Upper Yard Project at Intersection of Geneva and San Jose Avenues
  48. Environmental Reviews for proposed San Francisco Housing Authority Section 18 Properties
  49. 5800 Third Street
  50. Sunnydale and Velasco Public Housing Development
  51. Mixed Use Development 55 Laguna Street Project
  52. Alice Griffith


  1. Treasure Island Parcel IC4.3
  2. 80 Julian Avenue Mixed-Use Housing Development
  3. 249 Pennsylvania Avenue Mixed-Use Housing Development
  4. 772 + 758 Pacific Avenue - New Asia Affordable Housing Development
  5. 1610 Geary Boulevard: Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation and Pagoda Seismic Retrofit Project
  6. 1044 Howard Street - Building Rehabilitation Project
  7. 4200 Geary Boulevard Affordable Housing Development
  8. 2550 Irving Street Affordable Housing Development
  9. Reevaluation of Potrero HOPE SF Environmental Impact Statement
  10. Herz Recreation Center
  11. Hunters Point Shipyard Parcel 56
  13. Asian Americans Advancing Justice
  14. Maitri
  15. San Francisco Boys and Girls Club
  16. Throughline
  17. 180 Jones Street
  18. Plaza East
  19. 519 Ellis Street RAD Conversion - The Senator
  20. Hayes Valley North - 650 Linden Street
  21. COVID
  22. 4840 Mission Street
  23. 106 South Park
  24. Midtown Rehabilitation
  25. Programmatic Agreement Compliance Report
  26. 681 Florida Street
  27. 500 Turk Street
  28. Mission Bay South Six West
  29. Revisions to the Programmatic Agreement
  30. 490 South Van Ness Avenue
  31. 730 Stanyan Street
  32. Treasure Island Affordable Housing Development
  33. Draft EIS for Yerba Buena Ramps
  34. Mission Bay South Six West
  35. 1296 Shotwell
  36. 88 Broadway - 735 Davis Street
  37. Transbay Block 7 Affordable Housing
  38. Mission Bay Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing at 1150 Third Street
  39. Casa-de-la-Mision
  40. Critical Community Improvement Program
  41. Sunnydale Parcel Q
  42. Fourth and Folsom Housing Development
  43. 1036 Mission Street Affordable Housing Project
  44. Potrero HOPE SF Master Plan
  45. RAD Environmental Review Documents
  46. 1950 Mission Street Jurisdictional Transfer
  47. Upper Yard Project at Intersection of Geneva and San Jose Avenues
  48. Environmental Reviews for proposed San Francisco Housing Authority Section 18 Properties
  49. 5800 Third Street
  50. Sunnydale and Velasco Public Housing Development
  51. Mixed Use Development 55 Laguna Street Project
  52. Alice Griffith

MOHCD prepares environmental review for proposed housing developments in San Francisco at their planning stage in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Part 58 of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

An environmental review measures the impact of a proposed project on the human environment as well as the impact of the environment on future residents of the proposed project.

The environmental reviews are organized by project with the most recent listed first.

Contact information

For more information, to comment on a proposed project, or obtain source documents and/or report copies please contact Madeleine Sweet at madeleine.sweet@sfgov.org or 628-652-5983.

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Treasure Island Parcel IC4.3

Treasure Island Parcel IC4.3 - Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a 500-Year Floodplain

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80 Julian Avenue Mixed-Use Housing Development

80 Julian Ave - Finding of No Significant Impact & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (FONSI/NOI-RROF)

80 Julian Ave - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Environmental Review Record

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249 Pennsylvania Avenue Mixed-Use Housing Development

249 Pennsylvania Ave - Response to Comments

249 Pennsylvania Ave - Finding of No Significant Impact & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (FONSI/NOI-RROF)

249 Pennsylvania Ave - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Environmental Review Record

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772 + 758 Pacific Avenue - New Asia Affordable Housing Development

772 + 758 Pacific Ave - Finding of No Significant Impact & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (FONSI/NOI-RROF)

772 + 758 Pacific Ave - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Environmental Review Record

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1610 Geary Boulevard: Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation and Pagoda Seismic Retrofit Project

Project Plans

1610 Geary Boulevard - Categorically Excluded Subject To (Exempt) - Environmental Review Record

1610 Geary Boulevard - Signature Page

1610 Geary Boulevard - Source Documents Corresponding to NEPA Statutes, Executive Orders, and Regulations 

Airport Hazards

Distance to SFO and Airport Contour Map

Coastal Barrier Resources Act: California does not contain CBRS units.

Flood Insurance


Air Quality

SF Public Works Order 171_378

Chapter 25_SF Clean Construction RQs

Article 38_SF Enhanced Ventilation for Urban Infill

Article 22B_SF Construction Dust Control RQs

Dust Control -- SF Department of Public Health

Clean Construction -- SF Department of Public Health

Air Pollutant Exposure Zone Map

Coastal Zone Management Act

Project location in relation to Coastal Zone

San Francisco Coastal Zone

06CZB San Francisco Coastal Zone Map

San Francisco Bay Plan

Contamination and Toxic Substances

JPP Civic Design Review

JPP Pagoda Architectural Renderings

Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) Map

US EPA - Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund Site Profile

Nearest Superfund Site

California DTSC Cortese List

EnviroStor sites

EnviroStor Map

GeoTracker LUST sites

GeoTracker Map

Endangered Species Act

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service IPaC Resources

Explosive and Flammable Hazards: The project did not include activities that would require evaluation of this regulation.

Farmlands Protection

Project Site (current state)

Web Soil Survey

CA DLRP Important Farmland Finder

CA DLRP Important Farmland Finder Categories

Floodplain Management


Historic Preservation - Section 106 Review

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) requires federal agencies to consider the effects on historic properties of projects they carry out, assist, fund, permit, license, or approve throughout the country. HUD, as a federal agency, financially assists MOHCD projects, and MOHCD as a responsible entity, is required to review whether projects have the potential to affect historic properties and undergo Section 106 review. 

San Francisco Programmatic Agreement with SHPO and ACHP

Area of Potential Effects (APE)

Area of Potential Effect Memo

JPP Pagoda Architectural Renderings

SF Planning Department - Historic Preservation Commission Draft Resolution to Initiate Landmark Designation

SF Planning Department - Historic Preservation Commission Draft Landmark Designation Report

Section 106 Research Form Submission to the SF Planning Department

DPR 523 A-L Forms and National Register Eligibility Determination from SF Planning Department

CEQA Determination

JPP List of Public Meetings

MOHCD JPP Public Comment Notification

State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) Consultation Letter

Noise Abatement and Control

SF Planning Department Noise Map

Sole Source Aquifers

1610 Geary Blvd - Sole Source Aquifers Map

San Francisco - Sole Source Aquifers

MOU HUD EPA Region 9

Wetlands Protection

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Wetlands Mapper

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

1610 Geary Blvd: National Wild and Scenic Rivers

San Francisco: Wild and Scenic Rivers

California: National Wild and Scenic River System

Environmental Justice

NEPA Assist Report

EJScreen Community Report

NEPA Promising Practices

Environmental Justice Communities (EJC) Map

EJC Map User Guide

EJC Map Technical Documentation

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1044 Howard Street - Building Rehabilitation Project

Project Floor Plan

1044 Howard Street - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Environmental Review Record

1044 Howard Street - EA Signature Page

1044 Howard Street - Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

1044 Howard Street - HUD Authority to Use Grant Funds (AUGF)

1044 Howard Street - Attachments to the EA

1- Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases

2- Phase I ESA

3- Historic and Cultural Resources Documentation

4- Noise Calculator Results

5- Geotechnical Investigation

1044 Howard Street - Source Documents Corresponding to NEPA Statutes, Executive Orders, and Regulations

Airport Hazards

2- CCAG_2012_CALUP

Coastal Barrier Resources Act

3- USFWS_2023_CBRSMapper (note: California does not contain CBRS units)

Flood Insurance

4- FEMA_2023_FIRM

Air Quality

1- Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases

5- BAAQMD_2022_CEQAAQ Guidelines

6- USEPA_2021_DeMinimis Tables

7- BAAQMD_2017_AQ Standards and Attainment Status

8- CACOSF_2008_Construction Dust Control Ordinance SF

9- ARB_2012_InUse Off-Road Equipment

10- USEPA_2004_Clean Air Non-Road Diesel Rule

Coastal Zone Management Act

11- CCC_2019_Coastal Zone Boundary Map of SF

Contamination and Toxic Substances

2- Phase I ESA

12- SWRCB-DTSC_2023_GeoTracker-Envirostor

Endangered Species Act

13- USFWS_2023_Critical Habitat for Threatened Species Mapper

Explosive and Flammable Hazards

2- Phase I ESA

14- 2023_APS Facilities

15- HUD_300_7th St

16- HUD_90_7th St

17- HUD_415 Natoma St

Farmlands Protection

18- California Important Farmland Finder_2022

Floodplain Management

4- FEMA_2023_FIRM

Historic Preservation - Section 106 Review

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) requires federal agencies to consider the effects on historic properties of projects they carry out, assist, fund, permit, license, or approve throughout the country. HUD, as a federal agency, financially assists MOHCD projects, and MOHCD as a responsible entity, is required to review whether projects have the potential to affect historic properties and undergo Section 106 review. 

Area of Potential Effect (APE)

Historic and Cultural Resources Documentation

Cultural Resources Survey Report & DPR 523A-L Forms

National Register Eligibility Determination from the San Francisco Planning Department (inclusive of DPR 523 Forms & CRSR Report)

State Historic Preservation (SHPO) Consultation Letter

The Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) Letter on Archeological Records Search

NAHC Response to Sacred Lands File (SLF) Search (list of Native American Tribe contacts excluded)

Native American/American Indian Tribes Consultation Request

Noise Abatement and Control

4- Noise Calculator Results

19- CACOSF_2023_Environmental Protection Element

20- SFMTA_2023_2014-2018 Traffic Count Data

21- CACOSF_2023_Article 29 - Regulation of Noise Guidelines

Sole Source Aquifers

MOU HUD EPA Region 9

22- EPA_2023_Sole Source

Wetlands Protection

23- USFWS_2023_National Wetlands Inventory

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

24- NPS_2023_Scenic Rivers

Environmental Justice

NEPA Promising Practices for Environmental Justice Methodologies_2016

Environmental Justice Communities (EJC) Map

EJC Map User Guide

EJC Map Technical Documentation

25- Census Reporter_2021_Census Tract_176_02

1044 Howard Street - Additional Supporting Documents

1- Arquitectonica_2023_Bldg Permit Drawings

1044 Howard Street - Administrative Record Items

26- SF Planning_2020_Zoning Map

27- SF Planning_2023_Height Bulk District Map

28- SFMTA_2023_Muni Map

29- SF Planning_2015_Agreement for the Disposal of SF Municipal Solid Waste

30- CalRecycle_2019_SWIS Recology Hay Road

31- SFPUC_2021_UWMP

32- SFPUC_2021_Discover Your Watershed

33- CRWQCB_2019_Order No R2-2019-0017

34- SFFD_2023_Fire Station Locations

35- SFPD_2023_Station Finder

36- SF Recreation and Parks_SF Park Finder

37- SF Planning_2023_SFTIM

38- SFDPW_2023_Grade Map

39- SFMTA_2023_SF Bike Network Map

40- Google Earth_1044 Howard St

41- BAAQMD_2022_CEQA Thresholds for Evaluating Significance of Climate Impacts

42- CEQA_NEPA Guidance on Consideration of GHG

43- Institute for Policy Integrity - Cost of Climate Pollution

1044 Howard Street - List of Sources, Agencies, and Persons Consulted

Refer to this document for list

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4200 Geary Boulevard Affordable Housing Development

FONSI 4200 Geary Blvd - FINAL.pdf

4200 Geary EA signed.pdf

4200 Geary Admin Record Items.pdf

Attachment B Phase I, Limited Phase II, Phase II ESA.pdf

Attachment C Historic Resources.pdf

Attachment D Noise data and HUD calcs.pdf

Attachment E Community Engagement Plan.pdf

Attachment F Distance to Airports.pdf

Attachment G Health Risks Report.pdf

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2550 Irving Street Affordable Housing Development

Comment period is closed; it was open from July 20, 2022 to 5:00 PM PST August 22, 2022.


Please see the Response to comments below, the appendices to the Response to Comments which includes the responses, the comments, and a technical memorandum regarding the comments all of which are incorporated into and part of the Response to Comments.  The Response to Comments combined with the Environmental Assessment comprises the Final Environmental Assessment.  Changes to the Draft Environmental Assessment are set forth in the Response to Comments.  The changes to the Draft EA did not alter the analysis, conclusions, findings or mitigation measures identified in the  Draft Environmental Assessment

Response to Comments Introduction.pdf

2550 Irving Street EA Response to Comments_All Comments.pdf

2550 Irving Street EA Response to Comments_Part2 -Changes to EA.pdf

Appendix A - Project Mailing List.pdf

Appendix B - Comments.pdf

Appendix C - Path Forward Memorandum.pdf


Please refer to the Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for instructions on how and when to submit comments to MOHCD or how and when to object to the proposed project to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Comments should be directed to Lorena.Guadiana@sfgov.org or 628-652-5965.

Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds.doc

2550 Irving Street Environmental Assessment.pdf

Attachments to the EA

Attachment A Air Quality 071522.pdf

Contamination and Toxic Substances

Attachment B Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Documents

2019 Phase I ESA.pdf

EDR Radius Map™ Report_Part1.pdf

EDR Radius Map™ Report_Part2_Part1.pdf

EDR Radius Map™ Report_Part2_Part2.pdf

EDR-City Directory Abstract.pdf

Historical Topo Map Report.pdf

Sanborn® Map Report.pdf

Attachment B Reports, Plans and DTSC Approval




Attachment B_Part5 - SECOND 2019 SEMIANNUAL INDOOR AIR.pdf

Attachment B_Part6 - FIRST QUARTER 2020 INDOOR AIR QUALITY.pdf


Attachment B_Part8 - FINAL RESPONSE PLAN Bookmarked_Part1.pdf

Attachment B_Part8 - FINAL RESPONSE PLAN Bookmarked_Part2.pdf

Historical and Cultural Resources Documentation

Attachment C - Historical and Cultural Resource Documentation.pdf

Noise Level Measurements

Attachment D - Noise Level Measurements.pdf

Miscellaneous Documentation -Airport, FEMA, Endangered Species, Geotracker and Envirostor

Attachment E - Miscellaneous Documentation.pdf

Explosive and Flammable Hazards 

Attachment F - Acceptable Separation Distance.pdf

Geotechnical Investigation Report

Attachment G - Geotechnical Investigation Report.pdf

Project Plans

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part1_Part1_Part1.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part1_Part1_Part2.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part1_Part2.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part2_Part2.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part2_Part3.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part2_Part4.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part2_Part5.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part3.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part4.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part5.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part6.pdf

Attachment H - Project Plans_Part7.pdf

Source Documents

1 - San Francisco, 2014 Housing Element.pdf

2 - Bungalow Living, 2020.pdf

3 - ABAG Final RHNA.pdf

4 - San Francisco Property Information Map - Print Version.pdf

5 - SFMTA, MUNI Service Map 2020.pdf

6 - Golden Gate Transit.pdf

7 - Sams Trans., 2021.pdf

8 - U.S. Census Bureau, 2020.pdf

9 - San Francisco Recreation and parks Department Strategic Plan Update 2020-2024 - available at https://sfrecpark.org/417/Publications

10 - SFO International Airport Land Use Compatability Plan - available at https://www.gsweventcenter.com/Draft_SEIR_References/2012_0701_CCAG.pdf

11 - Oakland International Airport land Use Compatability Plan ESA Airports, 2010.pdf

12- Coastal Barrier Resources.pdf

13-Floodplain Management Fact Sheet rev 3-1-16 CMB.pdf

14 - BAAQMD 2022 Justification Report CEQA Thresholds.pdf

15 - U.S. FEMA Revised FIS and FIRM, 2019.pdf

16 - BAAQMD, CEQA Air Quality Guidelines 2017.pdf

17 - CARB, Strategy for SIP 2017.pdf

18 - BAAQMD, Ozone Strategy 2005.pdf

19 - CAPCOA, CalEEMod User's Guide 2020.pdf

20 - CARB, Air Quality and Land Use Handbook 2005.pdf

21 - US EPA, Green Book 2020.pdf

22 - San Francisco Air Pollutant Exposure Zone 2020 Map.pdf

23 - California Coastal Commission, 2019.pdf

24 - Rincon Field Inspection, 2021.pdf

25 - California Department of Conservation, Farmland Finder 2016.pdf

26 -HUD Noise Guidebook, 1991.pdf

27 - San Francisco City-wide Noise Map, 2013.pdf

28 - HUD Noise Calculator.pdf

29 - EPA Sole Source Aquifers Region IX.pdf

30 - USFWS Wetlands Mapper.pdf

31 - National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.pdf

32 - American River (Lower), California.pdf

32 - American River (Lower), California.pdf

32 - American River (Lower), California.pdf

33 - National Wild and Scenic Rivers - https://rivers.gov/rivers/american-lower.php

34 - United States Forest Services - National and Wild Scenic River Lines.pdf

35 - City of San Francisco, Planning Code TOC 2021.pdf

36 - Summary of the SF Planning Code Standards for Residential Districts.pdf

37 - San Francisco Zoning Map Height and Buld Districts, 2018.pdf


39 - USDA, Web Soil Survey 2020.pdf

40 - Oakland Museum of California, Guide to San Francisco Bay Area Creeks.pdf

41 - US EPA How's My Waterway.pdf

42 - SFDBI Administrative Bulliten AB-093 Energy Consumption.pdf

43 - California Department of Finance, Population and Housing Estimates for Cities,Counties, 2021.pdf

44 - ABAG - Population Projections E-5_2021.xlsx

45 - SFUSD, Facts at a Glance 2021.pdf

46 - SFMTA Service Map, 2020.pdf

47 - SFDPH Doing Business with SFDPH, 2020.pdf

48 - Recology.pdf

49 - CalRecycle, Waste Generation Rates 2019.pdf

50 - San Francisco Department of Environment Approves Landfill Disposal Agreement.pdf

51 - SFPUC Urban Water management Plan 2020 - available at https://sfpuc.org/about-us/policies-plans/urban-water-management-plan

52 - Station Finder _ San Francisco Police Department.pdf

53 - San Francisco General Plan, Community Safety Element, 2012_Part1.pdf

53 - San Francisco General Plan, Community Safety, Part2.pdf

54 - San Francisco Biicycle Strategy, 2021.pdf

55 - SFMTA Bicycle Strategy, 2013.pdf

56 - SF Planning General Plan Introduction.pdf

57 - Federal Register NEPA Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.pdf

58 - Forbes, America's Most Expensive Cities 2022.pdf

59 - DTSC EnviroStor Sites 2550 Irving.pdf

60 - BAAQMD Permitted Stationary Sources Risk and Hazards.pdf

61 - CalRecycle, SWIS Facility Details 2019.pdf

62 - SF Planning Transportation Information 2022.pdf

63 -SF Planning Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Consequences Assessment Chapter 07 – Wastewater 2020.pdf

64 - Distance to SFO.pdf

Back to top

Reevaluation of Potrero HOPE SF Environmental Impact Statement

Revised Combined Notice for Reevaluation.pdf

Attachment A - Re-eval Checklist - 2022-0621.pdf

Potrero HOPE SF Re-Evaluation Memo - FINAL - 2022-0621 - signed.pdf

For Documents related to the original EIS please scroll down to and click on the link to the Potrero HOPE SF EIS

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Herz Recreation Center

Herz_Rec_Center_Final_EA Signed.pdf

Published Notice.pdf

Fig1_Project Location.pdf

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Hunters Point Shipyard Parcel 56


Environmental Assessment Final HPSY 56 Signed.pdf

Positive Resource Center

333 7th Street - attachments available upon request

7th Street 333 SW 04202022 - signed.pdf

921 Lincoln Way

Lincoln Way 921 SW 04202022 - signed.pdf

Combined Attachments Lincoln Way.pdf

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Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Columbus 55 AAAJ-ALC SW 04122022 - signed.pdf

Columbus Attachments.pdf

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Maitri SW 401 Duboce 04142022 - signed.pdf

Attachments Duboce (2).pdf

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San Francisco Boys and Girls Club

Kiska Road 2022 SW - signed.pdf

Attachments Kiska.pdf

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THROUGHLINE Scattered Site is a major rehab project for 3 of CCDC’s properties including Consorcia Apartments at 1204 Mason Street (24 units), which along with Tower are more than 100 years old and are in desperate need of costly seismic retrofits, mandated by the City. Bayside Elderly Housing at 777 Broadway was built in 1990 with 30 studios receiving Section 8 subsidy. All buildings require improvements in accessibility, energy efficiency, system upgrades and life safety for prolonged use and preservation of the properties for the ELI and very low-Income residents.

777 Broadway.pdf

1204 Mason Street.pdf

1525 Grant Avenue.pdf

Back to top

180 Jones Street

Jones 180 Street Revised FONSI_NOIRROF.pdf

180 Jones Street EA 04222021 Final.pdf

Attachment A - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Data and Modeling Results (1).pdf

Attachment B1 - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.pdf

Attachment B2 Phase II ESA 180 Jones Street.pdf

Attachment C - Historic and Cultural Resources Documentation.pdf

Attachment D - Sound Level Measurement Data - HUD DNL Calculator Results.pdf

Attachment E - Geotechnical Investigation.pdf

Attachment F - Community Engagement Plan.pdf

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Plaza East

Plaza East Environmental Assessment Final 11262020.pdf

FONSI FINAL November 26 2020.pdf

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519 Ellis Street RAD Conversion - The Senator

Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds 519 Ellis.docx

Ellis 519 SW11182020 FINAL.pdf

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Hayes Valley North - 650 Linden Street

Hayes North NEPA SW Final Signed.pdf

SFHA - Hayes Valley North AUGF.pdf

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June 2 COVID MOHCD Environmental Review Record 2020 (002)-signed.pdf

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4840 Mission Street

SFHA - AUGF 4840 Mission Street.pdf

4840 Mission Street_ FONSI_NOIRROF FINAL.pdf

4840 Mission Street EA Final.pdf


2016-012545ENV - 4840 Mission St HRER.pdf

4840 Mission DPR523-Feb2020.pdf

4840 Mission NR Eligibility Memo with Exhibit.pdf

4840 Mission Street - Plans.pdf

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106 South Park

South Park 106 SW.pdf

NOIRROF South Park Propeties.doc


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Midtown Rehabilitation

MIdtown EA.pdf

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Programmatic Agreement Compliance Report


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681 Florida Street

Florida 681.pdf

Attachment A - Air Quality Modeling Results.pdf

681 Florida NOIRROF-FONSI.docx

Attachment B - Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments.pdf

Attachment D - DPR Forms-Historic Evaluation.pdf

Attachment F - DNL Calculator Results.pdf

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500 Turk Street

Turk Street 500 EA.pdf

FONSI_500 Turk.pdf

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Mission Bay South Six West

EA Mission Bay South Six West.pdf

1. Floodplain 8 Step Process.pdf

2. Air Quality Models.pdf

3. Explosive-and-Flammable-Facilities-Worksheet-complete.pdf

4. PA for Mission Bay South Six West.pdf

5. Noise HUD Worksheet and Calculations.pdf

Mission Bay South FONSI.pdf

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Revisions to the Programmatic Agreement

By and among the City and County of San Francisco, the California State Historic Preservation officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding Historic Properties affected by use of revenue from the Department of Housing and Urban Development Part 58 Programs.

The City and County of San Francisco, acting through the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD), is negotiating revisions to the Programmatic Agreement for HUD funded programs (PA) it has with the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).  This revision includes developing standard treatment measures for undertakings that could have an effect on historic properties that are archeological in nature.  The amended PA will allow for the expedited review of construction projects which have the potential to affect cultural resources and which are subject to 24 CFR Part 58 while not diminishing any protection of archeological resources. By adopting these revisions, the need to execute project specific programmatic agreements will be eliminated.  All projects affecting cultural resources are carried out under the guidance of the San Francisco Planning Department.   Projects subject to 24 CFR Part 58 include the Community Development Block Grant Program, Emergency Shelter Grants, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS, as well as other numerous HUD programs.

The amendment to the PA will not reduce the level of protection afforded by the National Historic Preservation Act to cultural resources, but will only expedite and streamline their review under the National Environmental Policy Act.  The PA is authorized by 36 CFR §800.14(b).  This revision will facilitate the implementation of HUD funded construction grants by reducing the time for project review by approximately three months and by reducing the cost of administration for the construction grants.  These time and cost savings will inure to the benefit of the ultimate recipients of Part 58 funding, low and moderate-income persons.

As an interested party you have the right and are encouraged to participate in open and good faith consultation with this office in the revision of this agreement.  The consultation process required by Federal law requires that we “…seek, discuss, and consider the views of other participants, and, where feasible, seek agreement with them regarding matters arising in the Section 106 process”.  Section 106 seeks to balance the preservation of historic resources with the mission of federal agencies and the recipients of their grants.  The mission of MOHCD is to promote economic self-sufficiency for low- and moderate-income families; to strengthen neighborhood vitality; to increase the provision of timely, relevant and effective social services; and to promote equity-based public policy strategies.

It is our hope that through your awareness and/or participation in the development of a revised programmatic agreement you will be able to assist us in achieving the beneficial purposes of the Historic Preservation Act and Part 58 programs.  The San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) will hold a hearing on the revisions to the Programmatic Agreement this Fall and will seek public comment.  Our office will advise you of the date of the hearing when it is scheduled.

Your are invited to submit any comments, questions and concerns you may have to Lorena.Guadiana@sfgov.org or at MOHCD, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA  94103.  If you need more detailed information or have further questions please contact MOCD staff, Lorena Guadiana at 628-652-5965.  Thank you for your time and consideration of this very important matter.

Proposed Revisions to PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT 3-26-2018.pdf

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490 South Van Ness Avenue

Corrected FONSI.pdf

Final EA South Van Ness EA.pdf

Attachment A - Air Quality Modeling Results.pdf

Attachment B - Phase I ESA.pdf

Attachment C - Site Mitigation Plan.pdf

Attachment D - DPR Forms and Historic Eval Sheets.pdf

Attachment E - HUD DNL Noise Calcs.pdf

Attachment F - Site-specific Programmatic Agreement.pdf

Appendix B PSC 600 Sample.pdf

Authority to Use Grant Funds Stanyan 730.pdf

Response to Comments on FONSI -18-02-13.pdf

730 Stanyan - Appendix A - Comment Letters.pdf

Stanyan 730 FONSI.pdf

730 Stanyan EA Final.pdf

Stanyan Letter to Residents.pdf

The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development of the City and County of San Francisco (MOHCD) is in negotiations to purchase the property at 700-730 Stanyan Street (APN 1249/024).  It is MOHCD’s intention to use federal funding from the Community Development Block Grant Program to purchase the site.  In order to purchase and develop the site, MOHCD needs to engage the public in two processes mandated by federal law.

The first of these processes is the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA).  MOHCD will prepare the EA in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations at 24 CFR part 58. The second of the processes is compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA). The proposed project is an Undertaking for the purposes of Section 106 of the NHPA and is subject to the Programmatic Agreement By And Among The City And County Of San Francisco, The California State Historic Preservation Officer, And The Advisory Council On Historic Preservation Regarding Historic Properties Affected By Use Of Revenue From The Department Of Housing And Urban Development Part 58 Programs (PA) (2007).

Upon acquisition of the parcel MOHCD will consider the following alternatives for development.  After completion of the Environmental Review and the Section 106 process, the director of MOHCD will make a selection of one of these alternatives based upon public input, results of the environmental studies and results of the Section 106 Review and which would best realize the underlying purpose and need of developing affordable housing.  Both alternatives will include the demolition of the existing 5,000 square foot building as well as the paved parking lot.  Consideration may be given to including ground floor commercial space, community programs space, bike storage, and an at-grade open space in either alternative. 

  1. Alternative One: Construction of a 50 foot, 5-story residential building
  2. Alternative Two:  Construction of a 65 foot, 7-story residential building
  3. Alternative Three:  No build no action alternative.

The Undertaking will involve ground disturbing activities that have the potential to affect archeological resources.  Per Stipulation XI of the PA, (Consideration And Treatment Of Archeological Resources) MOHCD requested that the Northwest Information Center of the California Historical Resources System at Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California, (“IC”) conduct a records search for the Undertakings APE.  The IC responded on August 1, 2017.  The IC advised MOHCD that there is a moderate potential of identifying Native American archaeological resources and a moderate potential of identifying historic-period archaeological resources in the project area.  The IC recommended that a qualified archaeologist conduct further archival and field study to identify cultural resources.  On September 5, 2017, MOHCD notified the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) of the IC’s recommendation.

As the field studies cannot be initiated until such time as the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issues an Authority to Use Grant Funds (AUGF) and it is the considered opinion of the Director of MOHCD as Agency Official under the NHPA that a Standard Mitigation Measures Agreement is not appropriate, MOHCD desires to negotiate a site specific Programmatic Agreement with the SHPO and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation that will put into effect mitigation measures that will eliminate any adverse effects on archeological resources that might occur.

The proposed site is across the street from the Golden Gate Park, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) as a Historic District, as well as the National Register listed Stanyan Street Hotel.  The IC has recommended, prior to commencement of project activities, that if the Stanyan Street Hotel is to be affected by the proposed project activities, it be assessed by a qualified professional familiar with the architecture and history of San Francisco County. The project is subject to Section 106 of the NHPA; therefore, a qualified architectural historian will identify an area of potential effects (APE) and evaluate any historic-age buildings in the APE for NRHP-eligibility. This will allow any potential adverse effects to be identified and, if necessary, mitigated in the EA.

Scoping Report_20171201_Final.pdf

Below are links to the massing and shadowing studies of the proposed Undertaking.

Massing and Shadow Studies for 730 Stanyan.pdf

Environmental Justice

MOHCD  is negotiating a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with McDonald’s Corporation for the sale of 700-730 Stanyan Street to the City and County of San Francisco. The completion of the sale is subject to contingencies, one of which is a successful completion of a federal environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  As part of the environmental review process, MOHCD is conducting an Environmental Justice (EJ) analysis to determine if the proposed project will disproportionately affect either low income or minority populations, often referred to environmental justice communities.  The EJ analysis includes consultation with representatives of the EJ communities and other interested persons and parties regarding potential impacts and proposed mitigation measures.  MOHCD has identified the impacts that need to be mitigated as well as the measures necessary to mitigate these impacts and is seeking your comments on them and whether you believe there are alternatives to the identified mitigation measures.  Follow the link below to read the EJ Notice.

EJ Notice for Stanyan 730.pdf

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Treasure Island Affordable Housing Development

Completed EA Maceo May.pdf

2008_NSTI SIR.pdf

Treasure Island Final SIR Traffic Analysis_Feb 2011.pdf

Affordable Housing Phasing Map Dates 3.17.17.pdf

Please use the following link to access the Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island Major Phase I Application which contains a description of the proposed housing development activities. 


Here is the link to the San Francisco Planning Department website page containing approved plans and documents for the TI Development:


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Draft EIS for Yerba Buena Ramps




Disposition and Development Agreement and Related Documents

Disposition and Development Agreement.pdf

Disposition and Development Agreement.pdf (Exhibit E - Housing Plan)


Department of Navy EIS for Disposition and Reuse of Naval Station Treasure Island

Record of Decision for the Disposal and Reuse of Naval Station Treasure Island.pdf

Executive Summary TI EIS.pdf

Table of Contents.pdf

Chapter 1 Purpose and Need.pdf

Chapter 2 Proposed Action and Alternatives.pdf

Chapters 3 - 0 and 3 - 1 Affected Environment and Land Use.pdf

Chapter 3 - 2 Visual Resources.pdf

Chapter 3 - 3 Socioeconomics.pdf

Chapter 3 - 4 Cultural Resources.pdf

Chapter 3 - 5 Transportation.pdf

Chapter 3 - 6 Air Quality.pdf

Chapter 3 - 7 Noise.pdf

Chapter 3 - 8 Biological Resources.pdf

Chapter 3 - 9 Geology and Soils.pdf

Chapter 3 -10 Water Resources.pdf

Chapter 3 - 11 Utiliites.pdf

Chapter 3 - 12 Public Services.pdf

Chapter 3 - 13 Hazardous Materials and Waste.pdf

Chapters 4 - 0 and 4 - 1 Enviornmental Consequences and Land Use.pdf

Chapter 4 - 2 Visual Resources.pdf

Chapter 4 - 3 Socioeconomics.pdf

Chapter 4 - 4 Cultural Resources.pdf

Chapter 4 - 6 Air Quality.pdf

Chapter 4 - 7 Noise.pdf

Chapter 4 - 8 Biological Resources.pdf

Chapter 4 - 9 Geology and Soils.pdf

Chapter 4 - 10 Water Resources.pdf

Chapter 4 - 11 Utiliites.pdf

Chapter 4 - 12 Public Services.pdf

Chapter 4-13 Hazardous Materials and Waste.pdf

Chapter Five - Cumulative Projects and Impacts.pdf

Chapter Six - Other Considerations Required by NEPA.pdf

Chapter Seven - Consultation and Coordination.pdf

Chapter Eight - List of Preparers and Contributors.pdf

Chapter Nine - References.pdf

Chapter Ten - EIS Distribution and Notification List.pdf

Response to Comments Part One.pdf

Response to Comments Part Two.pdf

Response to Comments Part Three.pdf

Appendix A - Glossary.pdf

Appendix B - Overview of Federal and State Disposal Laws and Regulations.pdf

Appendix C - Agency Correspondence.pdf

Appendix D - Notice of Intent and Availability.pdf

Appendix E - Reuse Alternative Assumptions.pdf

Appendix F - Supporting Technical Information.pdf

Appendix G - Fish Management Plan Species.pdf

Appendix H - MOA Navy SHPO.pdf

HUD Letter (Cuomo) November 26 1996.pdf

MOA USA and TIDA for Conveyance of TI.pdf

TI FOST 4 DTSC concurrence letter 11-21-2014.pdf

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Mission Bay South Six West

Mission Bay South Block 6 West referred to as the “Development Site.” (Block 8711, Lot 020) is a single, flat, rectangular, 49,436 square foot lot, 275’ long (along Merrimac Street between China Basin Street and Mission Bay Blvd. North) by 179.75’ wide along China Basin and Merrimac Streets. This lot is currently owned by the San Francisco Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure.

The building design is still at a conceptual level. The gross building area is approximately 125,575 square feet.  The site will have 140 units with an approximate mix of 25% 1 bedrooms, 50% 2 bedrooms, and 25% 3 bedrooms.

The ground floor amenities will include: building services (community room, multipurpose room, bike and car parking), offices (social services and building management), 1 commercial spaces, a space dedicated to childcare, 5 town house units, and various utilities, storage and maintenance rooms.  There is parking for 28 cars, 2 car share spaces, and 140 Class 1 bike spaces.  The property will have a variety of open spaces, including: residential ground floor entries and stoops, a central ground level courtyard, a podium courtyard, and balconies. Additionally, the site will have open space related to the childcare facility.

Early Notice Mission Bay Block 6 West-Draft 20171025.pdf

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1296 Shotwell

Shotwell 1296 7015 RROFEC.pdf

Combined comments.pdf

Corrected Response to Comments Document Ausgust 25 2017.pdf


Shotwell Heros EA.docx

The proposed action, located at 1296 Shotwell Street, involves the development of a nine-story building containing 94 dwelling units (93 affordable units plus one unit for the onsite property manager) for seniors age 62 and older. Development of the project includes demolition of the existing one-story industrial building on the project site. The ground-floor level would include a community room; two bicycle storage areas that would contain the Class I bicycle spaces; a meeting room; offices, the manager unit; two one-bedroom units; and an open space area. The second floor would contain a laundry room, eight one-bedroom units, and three studio units. Floors three through seven would each contain approximately nine one-bedroom units and three studio units. Floor eight would contain eight one-bedroom units and three studio units. Floor nine would contain six one-bedroom units, three studio units, and two roof gardens. The project site is approximately 11,700 square feet and is bound by Shotwell Street to the east and Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) uses to the north, west, and south in San Francisco's Mission neighborhood. The proposed building would have a height of 84 feet (96 feet to top of elevator penthouse). The project site is within a 65-X height and bulk district. The proposed project would require the Planning Commission's approval of 100 percent Affordable Housing Bonus Program Project under Section 328 of the Planning Code for up to an additional 30 feet above the height district limit to be consistent with the height limit.

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88 Broadway - 735 Davis Street

FONSI 88 Broadway.pdf

Broadway 88 Environmental Assessment January 2 2018.pdf

88 Broadway (Block 0140, Lot 7) is a single, paved, flat, rectangular, 37,813 square foot lot, 275’ long (along Front Street between Broadway and Vallejo) by 137.5’ deep on the southwest corner of Broadway and Front Streets. This lot is currently owned by the Port of San Francisco. 735 Davis (Block 0140, Lot 8) is also a single, paved, flat, rectangular lot, measuring approximately 137.5 long by 78.58’ wide (approximately 10,805 square feet), with its eastern edge running along the western side of Davis Street midblock between Broadway and Vallejo. This lot is currently owned by the San Francisco Department of Public Works. Both sites are currently being used as surface parking lots.

The gross building area is approximately 146,000 square feet for 88 Broadway and 46,000 square feet for 735 Davis.  The 88 Broadway site will have 135 units with an approximate mix of 17% studios, 37% 1 bedrooms, 32% 2 bedrooms, and 15% 3 bedrooms. The 735 Davis site will have 54 units with an approximate mix of 48% Studios, 50% 1 bedrooms, and 2% 2 bedrooms.  The ground floor amenities of 88 Broadway include building services (community room, multipurpose room, bike and car parking), offices (social services and building management), 1 commercial spaces, a space dedicated to childcare, 7 live/work units, and various utilities, storage and maintenance rooms.  There is parking for 6-8 cars and 108 Class 1 bike spaces.  The ground floor amenities of 735 Davis include building services (community room, multipurpose room, bike parking), offices (social services and building management), 1 commercial space, 3 ground floor units, and various utilities, storage and maintenance rooms.  There are 24 Class I bike spaces.

The buildings will have a variety of open spaces:

88 Broadway will have a North-South Mid-Block passage an average of 20 feet wide on the east side of the property running from Broadway to Vallejo Street. An East-West Mid-Block passage of approximately 16’ will run from the east property line through the residential lobby. The northern most courtyard will be at grade. There are additional terraces located at the 2nd floor, 4th and 5th floors and rooftops. Total open space is approximately 18,148 square feet.

735 Davis will have a partially covered East-West Mid-Block passage that continues from 88 Broadway on the west side of the property to Davis Street. Adjacent to the Mid-Block Passage is an outdoor courtyard. There is a habitable roof terrace on the 5th floor. Total open space is approximately 7,313 square feet.

The construction type of both projects will be up to 5 stories of wood framed Type IIIA construction over a Type IA concrete podium. Some 4 portions of the project may be Type VA. Driven steel piles will support the superstructure.

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Transbay Block 7 Affordable Housing

ROD Transbay Block Seven.pdf

Pulished Corrected Notice.pdf

Combined Notice for TB 7.pdf

EIS Reevaluation TB Block 7.pdf

The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) of the City and County of San Francisco has assumed responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other provisions of the law that further the purposes of NEPA, as specified in 24 CFR Part 58.  MOHCD is adopting those portions of the March 2004 Transbay Terminal/Caltrain Downtown Extension/Redevelopment Project (Transbay Program) Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (2004 EIS) that covers redevelopment at Transbay Block 7 (referred to as Block #3728 within the 2004 EIS, p. S-11). The 2004 EIS was prepared by U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration, the City and County of San Francisco, the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, and the former San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.

MOHCD is issuing this notice to advise the public and interested agencies that MOHCD, as Responsible Entity for HUD, has decided to adopt portions of the 2004 EIS issued by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in 2004 in order to satisfy HUD’s National Environmental Policy Act obligations related to issuing project based housing vouchers for 24 affordable housing units at Transbay Block 7. Additionally, MOHCD has made available an Environmental Reevaluation of the EIS, updating certain relevant sections of the environmental analysis and incorporating environmental standards articulated in 24 CFR Part 58, Environmental Review Procedures For Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities.

Under applicable Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations, MOHCD, as Responsible Entity for HUD, may adopt and recirculate the FTA’s Final EIS since MOHCD’s proposed action is substantially the same as the action covered by the FTA’s EIS, and MOHCD has determined that the FTA EIS meets the standard for an adequate statement under the CEQ Regulations. In addition, under HUD’s environmental procedures, MOHCD is required to issue a reevaluation of the adequacy, accuracy and validity of a final EIS in certain circumstances, which MOHCD has also done for this project.

 The complete ERR is also available for viewing at the Transbay Joint Powers Authority website at http://transbaycenter.org/documents/final-eiseir and the Federal Railroad Administration website at https://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0454.  Copies of the 2004 EIR can also be obtained at the San Francisco Public Library at 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA and the Transbay Joint Powers Authority offices at 201 Mission St # 2100, San Francisco, CA 94105.

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Mission Bay Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing at 1150 Third Street

Revised NOIRROF.pdf

Final PA Mission Bay VASH.pdf

Third Street 1150 EA Signed.pdf

Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Assessment and Section 106 Review

Chinatown Community Development Center (“CCDC”) and Swords to Plowshares (“STP”) are co-developing 1150 3rd Street (the "Project"), a 119-unit affordable housing development financed in part by the San Francisco Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure ("OCII"), the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency. The Project is new construction providing homes for formerly homeless veterans and low-income families in SF's Mission Bay neighborhood. The development program for the project includes a unit mix of 12 Studios and 50 one-bedroom units serving formerly homeless veterans; 5 one-bedroom units, 30 two-bedroom units, 21 three-bedroom units all serving low-income families; and one two-bedroom manager’s unit.  The Project is comprised of a 5-story, U-shaped building fronting 3rd Street that surrounds a two-story central open space.  The U-shaped design consists of three wings: the 3rd Street wing is the development’s civic face as 3rd Street is exposed to arterial car traffic and public transit lines, while the Mission Rock and Lot A (a private street) wings are along secondary streets with limited traffic and feature a more pedestrian scale.  The Project includes a large central community room and kitchen located along the 3rd  Street wing, an adjacent computer lab, teen gathering space, a multipurpose room, a young kids’ play room, resident services and property management offices,  restrooms, mailboxes, bike parking room, and two laundry rooms.  The Project also provides 25 off-street parking spaces in an enclosed garage.  At the center of the three building wings is a large, two-level open space with areas for gathering and children’s play, and separate areas for respite and relaxation.  All of the units will be restricted to families earning no more than 60% of SF's unadjusted Area Median Income (“AMI”) but half of the units are set aside for formerly homeless veteran households with rents not to exceed 30% AMI.  Furthermore, the homeless units must include administrative and supportive services which will be coordinated with the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (“DHSH”).  The proposed financing structure includes 4% low-income housing tax credits and tax-exempt bonds, a permanent loan from OCII, Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Program (“VHHP”) funds administered by the State of California’s Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) office, and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (“VASH”) project-based vouchers.

As stated above, the building design evidences a U-shaped structure with three distinct wings surrounding a central courtyard.  Each wing fronts a street: the Lot A wing faces north, the 3rd Street wing faces east, and the Mission Rock Street faces south.  The ground floor contains a handful of residential units (3 family units in the Lot A wing and 2 veterans units in the Mission Rock wing).  However, most of the development’s communal functions described above are located here.  Those communal spaces that primarily serve the veterans units are located in the veterans (Mission Rock) building wing, whereas the spaces that serve the family units are located in the family (3rd Street and Lot A) wings.

The two-story central courtyard is a unique project element.  The lower and upper courtyards are connected by a staircase, accompanying ramp, and a landscaped berm.  The ramp achieves the grade change by zig-zagging up the elevation.  The lower courtyard, which is adjacent to the common areas and program spaces, is geared towards large community activities and provides play space for children.  The lower courtyard also includes a communal table and outdoor cooking area to promote large group gatherings.  The upper courtyard is smaller than the lower courtyard; subsequently it focuses on smaller group activities.  It is directly accessible from the second floor of the building and will feature a community garden and seating.

The building is designed to facilitate a connection to community that many homeless veterans are lacking.  Through clustering the veterans and family units in separate wings of the building that wrap around joint community spaces and a large central courtyard, there are numerous opportunities for interactions and friendships amongst veterans and families.  At the same time, there are also opportunities for privacy, even within the communal spaces.  Clustering the 62 veterans units in the Mission Rock and 3rd Street wings enables the design team to incorporate universal design principles in these sections of the building.  The Sponsors have learned through their experience working with San Francisco’s chronically homeless veterans that this population can be of poor health or disabled.  Therefore, they’ve incorporated the universal design principles in the veterans wing so that residents there can age in place.

The Project includes a parking lot with controlled access parking for 25 vehicles including 1 ADA accessible space.  Cars will enter and exit the garage from Mission Rock Street. Based on other affordable housing for formerly homeless individuals, parking demand from the 62 formerly homeless veterans units is expected to be minimal. Combined with the Project’s transit-rich location, proposed car sharing in the Project, and existing car sharing in the neighborhood, the 25 parking spaces provide an additional transportation option for the remaining 56 households. The limited parking is in line with San Francisco’s transit first policy which encourages residents to utilize public transit, car sharing, and bicycling, as well as recognizes the transit rich location of the site.  A Muni stop is located directly in front of the site on 3rd Street and the future central subway line will connect to the existing 3rd Street lines. 

The building is Type V over Type I construction to minimize cost and the building’s façade materials will be harmonious to the surrounding buildings.  Green elements include optimal stormwater management, durable materials, and solar photovoltaic and thermal panels will provide clean electricity to the Project.   The building will achieve a Green Point Rated standard of 125 points or better.

Stipulaton XI to SHPO.pdf

San Francisco 1150 3rd St.pdf

NAHC response_1150 3rd Street.pdf

Figure 1 - Location Map 1150 3rd Street.pdf

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The proposed project, Casa de la Misión, is the mixed-use development of 50 units of low-income housing for seniors and 1,900-2,500 square feet of commercial space.  Development of the housing will include site acquisition, demolition of two existing structures and the construction of a six story structure.  The 6,000 square foot ground floor will include a lobby, housing management office and nonprofit or retail space. The second through sixth floors will house 50 studio apartments including a staff unit. The site is located at 3001-3013 24th Street in San Francisco's Mission District.  The total cost of the project is estimated to be $50,000,000.

Response to Comments Master Document.pdf

Exetension of Comment Period 24th Street 3001.pdf

Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds.pdf

24th Street 3001 Determination and Compliance Findings.pdf

EA Corrected.pdf

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Critical Community Improvement Program

Bayview Hunters Point Facade and Tenant Improvement Program :  architectural and engineering design services, project management, and grants for fixed equipment purchases and façade and tenant improvements to retail and commercial establishments in the eastern portion of the Bayview Hunters Point section of San Francisco.  The 3-tier Program would support both existing and new businesses in the Bayview, and could assist property owners with no existing commercial tenants so as to improve the space to a cold shell in order to attract viable commercial tenants.

Tier One Critical Community Improvement.pdf

Tier One Critical Community Improvement.pdf

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Sunnydale Parcel Q


Notice Comb FONSI-NOIRROF Parcel Q.pdf

Parcel Q EA.pdf

Response to Comments 4th and Folsom.pdf

4th and Folsom FONSI.pdf

4th and Folsom EA Final.pdf

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1036 Mission Street Affordable Housing Project

Finding of No Significant Impact

Environmental Assessment

Attachment A - Air Quality Monitoring Report

Attachment B - Article 38 Letter from SF Department of Public Health

Attachment C - Hazardous Materials

Attachment D - Cultural Resources

Attachment E - Sound Level Measurements

Attachment F - Site DND Calculator Results

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Potrero HOPE SF Master Plan

A Response to Comments to the draft joint Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared by the City and County of San Francisco Planning Department and the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD). The Response to Comments and the Draft EIR/EIS along with the cover sheet comprise the Final EIR/EIS.  It is available by clicking the links immediately below this paragraph and is also available for viewing at MOHCD at 1 South Van Ness Avenue 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 or at the San Francisco Planning Department, Planning Information Center (PIC) counter on the first floor at 1660 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement

A draft joint Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared by the City and County of San Francisco Planning Department and the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD).

For purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act, MOHCD is the Federal Responsible Entity acting under authority of Section 104(g) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(g)), Section 288 of the HOME Investment Partnerships Act (42 U.S.C. 12838), Section 26 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437x) and HUD's regulations at 24 CFR Part 58 for redevelopment of the Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex Public Housing sites as part of the HOPE SF development program. The Proposed Action is the approval by HUD of funding and development agreements associated with redevelopment of the Project site with affordable housing. This notice is in accordance with regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) at 40 CFR Parts 1500 – 1508. All interested parties including Federal, State, tribal and local agencies, in addition to the public are invited to comment on the Draft EIR/EIS. Agencies having jurisdiction by law, special expertise, or other special interest should inform MOHCD of environmental information germane to their responsibilities.

Project Description: The Proposed Project would demolish 620 public housing units and develop housing for a range of income levels for a total up to 1,700 new units on the Project site, which is located in Potrero Hill and comprised of the existing Potrero Terrace, and Potrero Annex housing developments, and Block X. The purpose of the Proposed Project is to revitalize the distressed Potrero Housing Development as part of the HOPE SF program and add additional affordable housing options in the City of San Francisco. The Proposed Project would include, but not be limited to, new vehicle connections, new pedestrian connections, a new street and block layout, new transit stops, and new water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure. In addition, the Proposed Project would incorporate green construction and sustainable principles, retail, community facilities, and open space. The Proposed Project would be built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED ND) standards. The Proposed Project would be developed in three non-overlapping phases over at least a 10-year period.

A portion of the Project site, Block X, would need a zoning amendment from P to RM-2 to be consistent with the Potrero Annex and Potrero Terrace areas of the Project site. The existing height and bulk designation of the Project site would need to be amended through a Height and Map Amendment to allow buildings above 40 feet.
The Draft EIR/EIS discusses the purposes and need for the Proposed Project and identifies and evaluates three alternatives: Alternative 1 – Reduced Development Alternative; Alternative 2 – Housing Replacement Alternative; and Alternative 3 – No Project Alternative.

DRAFT EIR/EIS: The Draft EIR/EIS finds that implementation of the proposed project would lead to significant unavoidable project-level and cumulative impacts related to air quality, noise, and transportation and circulation. The buildings used for the public hearings are accessible to person with disabilities. Any individual who requires special accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter, accessible seating, documentation in alternative formats, are requested to contact Eugene Flannery at Eugene.Flannery@sfgov.org or at Call: (415) 701-5598. The Draft EIR/EIS is also available for viewing at MOHCD at 1 South Van Ness Avenue 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 or at the San Francisco Planning Department, Planning Information Center (PIC) counter on the first floor at 1660 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.

Public comments on the Draft EIR/EIS will be accepted from November 7, 2014 to 5:00 p.m. through January 7, 2015. Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the Draft EIR/EIS to: Sarah Jones, Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, California 94103. All comments received by 5:00 P.M. P.S.T January 7, 2015 will be considered.


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RAD Environmental Review Documents

Alemany Combined Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds and Finding of No Significant Impact

Alemany Housing Development Environmental Assessment

15th Street 1855 SW.pdf

Proof of Publication.pdf

15th Street 1855 SF PA Archeological.pdf

Ping Yuen Environmental Assessment

Finding of No Significant Impact/Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds for Ping Yuen

CA001 RAD AUGF Ping Yuen.pdf

838 Pacific Avenue, Ping Yuen North

Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

CA001 RAD AUGF Ping Yuen North.pdf

1760 Bush Street

NOI RROF 1760 Bush Street

AUGF Bush 1760.pdf

951 Eddy Street

CA001 SFHA AUGF 951 Eddy St..pdf

939 Eddy Street

AUGF 939 Eddy CA001 SFHA AUGF 939 Eddy St.pdf

227 Bay Street

AUGF Bay CA001 SFHA AUGF 227 Bay St.pdf

462 Duboce Avenue

CA001 SFHA AUGF 462 Duboce Ave.pdf

255 Woodside Avenue

CA001 SFHA AUGF 255 Woodside Ave.pdf

1880 Pine Street

CA001 SFHA AUGF 1880 Pine St.pdf

345 Arguello Boulevard

CA001 SFHA AUGF 345 Arguello Blvd.pdf

Holly Courts

CA001 SFHA AUGF Holly Courts.pdf

990 Pacific

CA001 SFHA AUGF 990 Pacific Ave.pdf

491 31st Avenue

CA001 SFHA AUGF 491 31st Ave.pdf

666 Ellis Street

CA001 SFHA AUGF 666 Ellis St.pdf

25 Sanchez Street

CA001 SFHA AUGF 25 Sanchez St.pdf

430 Turk Street

CA001 SFHA AUGF 430 Turk St.pdf

1150 Scott Street - Converts to Exempt 

1750 McAllister 

AUGF McAllister 1750.pdf

NOIRROF McAllister 1750

3850 18th Street

AUGF 18th Street 3850.pdf

2698 California Street Environmental Assessment

FONSI for 2698 California Street


350 Ellis Street

NOIRROF 350 Ellis Street

AUGF Ellis 350.pdf

2451 Sacramento Street

NOIRROF 2451 Sacramento Street

AUGF Sacramento 2451.pdf

1400 Baker Street (Westside Courts)

NOIRROF 1400 Baker Street

AUGF Baker 1400.pdf

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1950 Mission Street Jurisdictional Transfer

Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

On or about April 8, 2014 the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development of the City and County of San Francisco (MOHCD) will submit a request to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Community Planning and Development for the release of an estimated $10,000,000 in Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) grants under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended; to undertake a project known as 1950 Mission Street Jurisdictional Transfer for the purpose of purchasing land for the development of up to 150 units of affordable housing at 1950 Mission Street. MOHCD intends to supplement Part 58 funding with local funding, as well, for a total project cost of approximately $36,000,000.

The proposed project is the acquisition of real estate and development of up to 150 units of 100% affordable housing at 1950 Mission Street (APN 3554/005). Development activities would include the construction of up to 150 affordable rental units of housing, as well as approximately 10,000 square feet of community, retail and commercial space on the ground floor and subsurface parking for 75 vehicles. The development would include 8,100 square feet of open space. Site development would include removal of existing temporary structures. No zoning changes are proposed as all development activities would be consistent with current zoning controls as set forth in §736.1 of the San Francisco Planning Code (Mission Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District)

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to Eugene T. Flannery at MOHCD, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103. All comments received by midnight on April 7, 2014 will be considered by MOHCD prior to submitting a request for release of funds. Comments should specify which Notice they are addressing.


Environmental Assessment (PDF)

Attachment A - Cultural Resources (PDF)

Attachment B - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (PDF)

Attachment C - Potential Roadway Exposure Zone (PDF)

Attachment D - Sound Measurement Data (PDF)

Attachment E - CALEEMOD Emissions Modeling Data (PDF)

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Upper Yard Project at Intersection of Geneva and San Jose Avenues

Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

On or about April 8, 2014 MOHCD will submit a request to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Community Planning and Development for the release of an estimated $10,000,000 in Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) grants under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 as amended, to undertake a project known as the Upper Yard Jurisdictional Transfer for the purpose of purchasing land for the development of up to 150 units of affordable housing at the intersection of Geneva and San Jose Avenues (APN 6973/038 & 039). MOHCD intends to supplement the Part 58 funding with local funds as well, for a total project cost of approximately $35,000,000. In addition to the construction of affordable housing, development activities would include approximately 7,500 square feet of community, commercial and retail space on the ground floor; surface parking for up to ten vehicles and 15,000 square feet of open space.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to Eugene T. Flannery at MOHCD, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103. All comments received by midnight on April 7, 2014 will be considered by MOHCD prior to submitting a request for release of funds. Comments should specify which Notice they are addressing.

Environmental Assessment

Attachment A - Air Quality Monitoring Results

Attachment B - Potential Roadway Exposure Zone Map

Attachment C - Health Risk Assessment

Attachment D - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment

Attachment E - Cultural Resources Information

Attachments F and G - Noise and Sound Data

Standard Mitigation Measures Agreement Between the City and County of San Francisco and the California State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding Geneva Avenue and San Jose Avenue Project

Waiver of EIS

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Environmental Reviews for proposed San Francisco Housing Authority Section 18 Properties

Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds for SFHA proposed Section 18 properties

Westbrook Apartments

Hunters Point


Clemintina Towers

350 Ellis

Westside Courts

Rosa Parks

Ping Yuen

Ping Yuen North

1750 McAllister

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5800 Third Street

Request for Release of Funds

Combined Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

Environmental Assessment

Attachment I

Attachment J

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Sunnydale and Velasco Public Housing Development

Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds and Notice of Availability of Final Environmental Impact Report / Final Environmental Review Statement

A Response to Comments to the draft joint Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared by the City and County of San Francisco Planning Department and the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD). The Response to Comments and the Draft EIR/EIS along with the cover sheet comprise the Final EIR/EIS.  It is available by clicking the links immediately below this paragraph and is also available for viewing at MOHCD at 1 South Van Ness Avenue 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 or at the San Francisco Planning Department, Planning Information Center (PIC) counter on the first floor at 1660 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.

Cover Sheet

Response to Comments

Notice of Availability

Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement

Introductory Materials

Executive Summary

Chapter One - Purpose, Need, and Objectives

Chapter Two - Project Alternatives(EIS)/Project Description (EIR)

Chapter Three - Affected Environment

Chapter Four - Environmental Consequences

Chapter Five - Other CEQA/NEPA Considerations

Chapter Six - List of Preparers

Chapter Seven - Distribution List

Chapter Eight - Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Glossary

Appendices to DEIR/DEIS

Notice of Preparation, Notice of Intent, and Scoping Report

Cultural Resources



Air Quality

Biological Resources

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Mixed Use Development 55 Laguna Street Project

The Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development of the City and County of San Francisco (MOHCD) has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) which describes the potential environmental effects of the proposed development of housing, retail and community uses at the San Francisco State Teachers College. The EA was prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, (42 U.S.C. 4321-4347), as amended, Title 24 Part 58 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and Council on Environmental Quality Regulations. (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508).

Based upon the EA, MOHCD has determined that the project is not an action that will result in a significant impact on the quality of the human environment and has published a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (FONSI/NOIRROF) in accordance with 24 CFR §58.43.  The Finding of No Significant Impact is based upon compliance with mitigation measures which have been identified as necessary to reduce the environmental impacts of the proposed action to a point or level where they are determined to be no longer significant.

The FONSI/NOIRROF was published in the San Francisco Examiner on September 21, 2012 and is also posted on this website.  It can be accessed by clicking the link below, “FONSI/NOIRROF”. The FONSI/NOIRROF was also mailed to individuals and groups known to be interested in the proposed action, to the local news media, to the appropriate tribal, local, State and Federal agencies; to the Regional Offices of the Environmental Protection Agency having jurisdiction and to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Field Office in San Francisco.

During the 30 day comment period, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development received timely comments from the Law Offices of Mary Miles on behalf of the Coalition for Adequate Review (CAR) on October 3 and on October 21, 2012. MOHCD received a comment from Helene Whitson of Save the Laguna Street Campus on October 21, 2012. No other comments were timely submitted. Comments and Responses to the Comments can be accessed by clicking on the "Response to Comments" and "Appendices to Response to Comments" links below.

The Environmental Assessment has been modified as a result of the consideration of the comment received for the FONSI/NOIRROF. However, the original findings are still valid. The Final EA can be accessed by clicking on the "Final EA" link below.

The Environmental Review Record (ERR), including the Environmental Assessment and supporting documentation is on file at the MOH, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103. It is available for review and may be examined or copied weekdays 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. The Environmental Review Record is also available for review and downloading by clicking on the links below.

MOHCD submitted a Request for Release of Funds and Certification (RROF - form HUD-7015.15) to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Community Planning and Development on November 6, 2012. The RROF serves as a certification of the MOHCD’s compliance with environmental laws and regulations in the exercise of its duties as a responsible entity for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to HUD under NEPA. The form also serves as a request for the release of funding. MOHCD has requested the release of an estimated $1,400,000 in HOPWA funding $10,000,000 in Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) grants under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended; and $400,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; to undertake the proposed project.

HUD will accept objections to the Release of Funds and Environmental Certification for a period of fifteen days following the submission of the Request for Release of Funds. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to Office of Community Planning and Development, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development at 600 Harrison Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94107. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period.

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Letter to Save the Laguna Street Campus

Authority to Use Grant Funds





Volume One

Volume One - Draft Environmental Assessment

Volume Two

Table of Contents to Appendices

APPENDIX A -Part  1 - Historic

APPENDIX A - Part 2 - Historic

APPENDIX A - Part 3 - Historic

APPENDICES B & C - Noise and Transportation

Appendix D - Miscellaneous

Memorandum of Agreement Between the City and County of San Francisco and the California State Historic Preservations Office

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Alice Griffith

On January 25, 2013 the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development of the City and County of San Francisco submitted a request to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Planning and Development for the release of funds subject to regulation by 24 CFR Part 58. Funding for the project may include Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) grants under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 as amended,  and Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant Funds.

The activities proposed comprise a project for which an Environmental Impact Statement was prepared. A Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement was published in the Federal Register on September 21, 2012 and in the San Francisco Examiner on September 17, 2012. Copies of the NOA/FEIS were mailed to interested parties. An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project is on file at the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, City and County of San Francisco, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 and may be examined or copied weekdays 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M or it may be downloaded from this site by clicking on the appropriate links.

The Record of Decision was prepared and signed by the Certifying Officer on November 16, 2012 in accordance with 24 CFR §58.60 and 40 CFR §1505.2. MOHCD prepared this Record of Decision pursuant to the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508) and of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations at 24 CFR Part 58, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCEDURES FOR ENTITIES ASSUMING HUD ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES. This Record of Decision is based on MOHCD’s Final Environmental Impact Statement for the ALICE GRIFFITH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (HUD/EIS-2010-CA-00004).

Authority to Use Grant Funds

Request for Release of Funds and Certification

Response to Comments on the Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

Comments on the Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (NOI/RROF)

Attachments submitted with Comments to NOI/RROF:

Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA)

Targeted Brownfields Assessment Appendices:

TBA App. 1

TBA App. 2

TBA App. 3

TBA App. 4

TBA App. 5

TBA App. 6

TBA App. 8

TBA App. 7 - Sanborne Maps submitted with TBA:

SM 1

SM 2

SM 3

SM 4

SM 5


SM 7

SM 8

SM 9

SM 10

Record of Decision

Notice of Availability of ROD and Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Fund

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Appendix A - Scoping

Appendix B - Design for Development

Appendix C - Traffic Analysis

Appendix D - Cultural

Appendix E - Biological

Appendix F - Noise

Appendix G - Site Specific Programmatic Agreement

Appendix H - Response To Comments

Notice of Availability

Draft EIS for Alice Griffith Redevelopment Project

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

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