August 22, 2022 CGOBOC meeting

Monday, August 22, 2022

In this page:


    The August 22, 2022 meeting of the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee (CGOBOC) will include presentations about the following bond programs:

    *Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response General Obligation Bond Programs 2010, 2014, and 2020
    *Health and Homelessness, Parks and Streets, Recovery General Obligation Bond Program 2020
    The meeting also includes a presentation from the Controller’s Office regarding the Whistleblower Program.


    1. Call to order

      Call to order / roll call.

    2. Public comment

      Opportunity for the public to comment on any matters within the Committee’s jurisdiction that are not on the agenda.

    3. Resolution to allow teleconferencing

      Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Adoption of AB 361 Resolution for Policy Bodies such as Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee to meet during the COVID-19 Emergency via Teleconference..

      RESOLVED, That the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee finds as follows: The State of California and the City remain in a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At this meeting, the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee has considered the circumstances of the state of emergency. State and City officials continue to recommend measures to promote physical distancing and other social distancing measures, in some settings. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, conducting meetings of this body in person would present imminent risks to the safety of attendees, and the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of members to meet safely in person.

      FURTHER RESOLVED, That for at least the next 30 days meetings of the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee will continue to occur exclusively by teleconferencing technology (and not by any in-person meetings or any other meetings with public access to the places where any policy body member is present for the meeting). Such meetings of the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee that occur by teleconferencing technology will provide an opportunity for members of the public to address this body and will otherwise occur in a manner that protects the statutory and constitutional rights of parties and the members of the public attending the meeting via teleconferencing.

      FURTHER RESOLVED, That the secretary and staff of the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee is directed to place a resolution substantially similar to this resolution on the agenda of a future meeting of the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee within the next 30 days. If the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee does not meet within the next 30 days, the staff is directed to place a such resolution on the agenda of the next meeting of the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee.

      Public comment.

    4. Action Item

      Elections of Chair and Vice Chair

      Public comment.

    5. Approve meeting minutes

      Approval, with possible modification, of the Minutes of the June 6, 2022, meeting.

      Public comment.

    6. Discussion Item/Possible Action:

      Presentation from various departments about the 2010, 2014, and 2020 Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bonds and possible action by the Committee in response to such presentation.

      Expected Presenters:

      Charles Higueras, Program Manager

      Magdalena Ryor, Project Manager, Police Facilities 2014, Neighborhood Fire Stations, OCME Sherry Katz, Project Manager, Neighborhood Fire Stations

      Michael Rossetto, Project Manager, TCFSD

      Dave Myerson and Ada Zhu, Project Managers, EFWS

      Lisa Zhuo, Project Manager, 911 Call Center

      Dan Mauer, Project Manager, Disaster Response Facility

      Liaison: Member Gheen

      Public Comment

    7. Discussion Item/Possible Action:

      Presentation from various departments about the 2020 Health and Homelessness, Parks, and Streets, Recovery Bonds and possible action by the Committee in response to such presentation.

      Expected Presenters:

      Stacy Bradley, Director of Capital and Planning, REC

      Edmund Lee, Project Manager, DPW

      Jason Zook, Executive Project Manager, ZSFGH

      Liaison: Member Larkin and Member Sanderlin

      Public Comment

    8. Discussion Item/Possible Action:

      Liaison Report 2015 Affordable Housing Bond, 2016 Loans to Finance Acquisition and rehabilitation of Affordable Housing (PASS), 2019 Affordable Housing Bond.

      Liaison: Member Mathews

      Public Comment

    9. Discussion Item/Possible Action:

      Presentation from the City Services Auditor regarding the Whistleblower Program; Liaison Report on the Whistleblower Program and possible action by the Committee in response to such presentation and report.

      Expected Presenter: David A. Jensen, Whistleblower Program Manager

      Liaisons: Chair McHugh and Member Crawford

      Public Comment

    10. Discussion Items/Possible Action:

      Opportunity for Committee members to comment on any matters within the Committee’s jurisdiction or to take action on the matters listed below.

      a. Audits Unit - Public Integrity Reviews

      b. Performance Unit - Public Perception Survey Project

      c. CSA Division – Updates and Workplan

      d. Public Finance – Upcoming Bond Issuances

      e. CGOBOC - FY 2022-2023 Workplan, Liaison, and Meeting Dates

      Public Comment


    Date & Time

    Monday, August 22, 2022
    9:30 am to 11:30 am


    Watch live


    For public comment

    Event number: 2499 584 8214
    Members of the public will have opportunities to participate during public comment. The public is asked to wait for the agenda item before making a comment on that item. Comments will be addressed in the order they are received. When the moderator announces that the Commission is taking public comment, members of the public can:
    1. “Raise hand” by pressing * 3 and you will be queued.
    2. Callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. Operator will unmute you.
    3. When prompted, callers will have the standard three minutes to provide comment.
    • Ensure you are in a quiet location
    • Speak clearly
    • Turn off any TVs or radios around you


    Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgement

    Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgement

    We acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula are. As the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Community and by affirming their sovereign rights as First Peoples.

    Explanatory documents

    Explanatory documents

    Copies of Explanatory Documents listed in this agenda, and other related materials received by the C.G.O.B.O.C. after the posting of the agenda, are available at

    Public comment

    Public comment

    Public comment will be taken before or during the Committee’s consideration of each agenda item. Speakers may address the Committee for up to three minutes. During General Public Comment, members of the public may address the Committee on matters that are within the Committee’s jurisdiction and are not on today’s agenda.

    Know your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance

    Know your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance

    Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils, and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact Adele Destro by mail to Interim Administrator, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689; by phone at (415) 554-7854; or by email at

    Citizens interested in obtaining a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance can request a copy from Ms. Destro or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code on the Internet,

    Disability access

    Disability access

    Disability access for regular meetings when the Committee is meeting in person City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, is wheelchair accessible. The closest accessible BART Station is Civic Center, three blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #47 Van Ness, and the #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call 923-6142.

    There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex.

    The following services are available when requests are made by 12:00 p.m. of the Friday before the Committee meeting. Providing at least 48 hours' notice will help to ensure availability.

    For American Sign Language interpreters, use of a reader during a meeting, sound enhancement system, or for a large print copy of agenda or minutes in alternative formats, contact Rosanne Torre at (415) 554-7500.

    In order to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products.

    Cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices

    Cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices

    The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the Chair or the Interim Chair may order the removal from the meeting of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.

    Last updated August 16, 2022
