Mae Woo

Ms. Mae Woo is a native San Franciscan and a committed community volunteer since her early retirement as a real estate professional. She has served as a Board member of numerous nonprofit organizations such as the Saint Francis Foundation, the Chinese Culture Foundation, and Project HOPE International. Ms. Woo has also served the City in multiple roles, including a term as Film and Video Arts Commissioner. She moved on to serving the State in 1996-2005 as a Commissioner of the California Service Corps, formerly known as the Governors Office on Service and Volunteerism. Ms. Woo is best known

Ms. Mae Woo is a native San Franciscan and a committed community volunteer since her early retirement as a real estate professional. She has served as a Board member of numerous nonprofit organizations such as the Saint Francis Foundation, the Chinese Culture Foundation, and Project HOPE International. Ms. Woo has also served the City in multiple roles, including a term as Film and Video Arts Commissioner. She moved on to serving the State in 1996-2005 as a Commissioner of the California Service Corps, formerly known as the Governors Office on Service and Volunteerism. Ms. Woo is best known for her work in her home community in San Francisco. She is a founder of the Woo Family Women's Auxiliary and the Chinese Consolidated Women's Association. She is currently serving as Founder/Charter President of Friends of Charity Cultural Services Center, as well as former Board President of CCSC. Ms. Woo is committed to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of volunteers serving community nonprofit organizations. Working directly with San Francisco Chinatown family associations and organizations, she seeks to preserve family values while developing younger professionals into the next generation of community leaders.



1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 008
San Francisco, CA 94102