Funding for neighborhood improvements

What's required to apply for Community Challenge Grants.

Community Challenge Grants

Community Challenge grants may be used to improve neighborhoods.

We've summarized 3 key requirements for funding below. This is a summary and doesn't replace the detailed requirements in the grant guidelines.

3 main requirements for applying

1. Your organization is a nonprofit.

We only give grants to vendor-approved nonprofit organizations with a 501(c)(3) status. Local community groups, businesses, or schools applying for a grant must have a nonprofit fiscal sponsor. 

The grant contractor must be a City supplier. Get more information on becoming a supplier.  

2. The project will physically improve your neighborhood.

Here are some examples of projects we support:

  • Improving green spaces, like gardens, sidewalk gardens, medians, landscaping, tree planting, or urban agriculture
  • Creating or restoring community gathering places, like mini parks, parklets, plazas, open spaces, or trail restoration
  • Installing public art, like murals, new media art, or mosaics
  • Adding features like community lighting, benches, bike racks, or neighborhood activation initiatives
  • Street maintenance that focus on cleaning up graffiti or trash
  • Stewardship programs that support previously funded CCG projects

3. The community will contribute to the project.

The community must match at least 35% of the budget you apply for. The match can be in cash, volunteer labor (valued at $25/hr), donated materials or supplies, or services. 

Budget range: $15,000 to $175,000

Contract period: 12 to 18 months

Match requirement: 35% of the project budget

最後更新 October 4, 2022