Get vaccines

Find out how to get vaccines, and which ones you or your child needs


1. Check with your healthcare provider

We recommend that vaccines be part of your regular medical care. Insurance usually covers all the recommended vaccines. Ask your doctor or healthcare provider if you can get vaccinated at their office or if they recommend you go to a pharmacy.

2. Check with your local pharmacy

Ask your local pharmacy (like Walgreens or CVS) what vaccines they offer and if they are covered by your insurance.

Find vaccines for COVID and Flu

3. Get insurance that includes vaccines

If you don't have health insurance, you may be eligible for health coverage that includes vaccines. Call the San Francisco Health Network New Patient Intake Line

Sign up to get care with the San Francisco Health Network

Patient Access Enrollment Office

Monday to Friday
8 am to noon
1 to 5 pm

Find out how to get a copy of your vaccine record. Having a copy can prevent you from having to get the vaccines again. You may also be able to get a blood test called a titer check from your doctor, to check that you got certain vaccines. 

Find out which vaccines you need

Find out which vaccines you need


You need vaccines throughout your life. Adults need to keep their vaccinations up to date because some vaccines you get as a child can wear off. You are also at risk for different diseases as an adult. Vaccinations work and are a safe way to prevent diseases. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends which vaccines are needed for people in the United States. Visit the CDC website to learn about vaccine schedules, vaccines recommended by age group, health condition, or for travel. CDC also has information about vaccine safety.

Vaccine Information for Adults (CDC)


Vaccines prevent disease and death, keep kids in school, and are safe and effective. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends which vaccines children need to get. Visit the CDC website to learn about vaccine schedules, vaccines recommended by age group, health condition, or for travel. CDC also has information about vaccine safety.

The Shots for School website has information for parents/guardians as well as school and childcare staff about the vaccines required for school and child care entry in California.

Guides to Requir​​​​ements

If there is a medical reason why your child should not get a vaccine required for school, talk to your child's doctor. Medical exemptions can only be issued by doctors licensed in California.

New medical exemptions (ME) for school and child care entry must be issued through the California Immunization Registry - Medical Exemption (CAIR-ME) website.

Instructions to request a medical exemption (English) (Spanish)


AITC Immunization & Travel Clinic

AITC Immunization & Travel Clinic

AITC is a fee-for-service clinic that is part of the San Francisco Department of Public Health and serves the general public by appointment only. Children and adults who are uninsured or meet other eligibility criteria can get certain vaccines for free at AITC. 

AITC Immunization & Travel Clinic


Contact the SFDPH Immunization Program

(415) 554-2955

最後更新 April 16, 2024