Massage operating requirements

What you need to know about performing massage or owning a massage business in San Francisco.


Massage establishments are fixed, physical locations where practitioners offer massage. Owners and operators must have a General Massage Establishment or a Sole Practitioner Massage Establishment permit.

Massage establishments must:

  • Be closed between 10pm and 8am
  • Have restrooms and hand washing facilities with enough materials
  • Have enough lighting (at least 108 lux or 10 foot candles)
  • Not be used for residential purposes
  • Not have too many personal items inside
  • Have exterior doors stay unlocked while the establishment is open
  • Have interior doors to massage rooms without locks
  • Not have alcoholic beverages and drugs stored, consumed, or brought into the establishment
  • Post human trafficking posters and information in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and other appropriate languages. You can get a poster at the Permit Center:
    49 South Van Ness Avenue

Read SF Health Code Article 29 to learn more about the requirements.


A massage practitioner is anyone who performs massage for pay.

Massage practitioners must:

最後更新 April 16, 2024