
Title Clearing Clinic

The California Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative (DLAC) presents a free in-person title clearing clinic. Registration required, instructions below.


Tuesday, January 30, 2024
9:00 am to 10:30 am




  • San Francisco Law Library
Toy house with a key next to it, person in the background holding a pen

Are you struggling to prove ownership of your home? Did you inherit your home with little to no paperwork? Get help with these questions and more at the free in-person Title Clearing Clinic, presented by Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative in partnership with the San Francisco Law Library. An attorney can help you with your title status, and help you determine heirs and a plan of action.

Registration is required: please book a free 15-minute consultation by emailing Sarah Shank at sshank@acbanet.org and fill out the brief intake form here: www.dlac.wiki/title