San Francisco Enterprise GIS Program

The San Francisco Enterprise GIS Program (SFGIS) provides geospatial data and services to the city of San Francisco.

picture of sf coast
Map San Francisco

SFGIS provides both historical and up-to-date yearly imagery of San Francisco to build your maps and applications.

The Enterprise Addressing System

The Enterprise Addressing System (EAS) is an open-source developer platform for San Francisco GIS practitioners to maintain their GIS data. This shared application streamlines GIS work and collaboration with existing datasets.


SFGIS ensures city GIS data and systems are efficient, coordinated, and easy-to-use for San Francisco GIS professionals, practitioners, and users.


The team develops and maintains the Enterprise Addressing System, acquires and distributes enterprise data, manages licenses for GIS data and products, and provides GIS training for staff citywide.

SFGIS on LinkedIn

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