Apply to use and store hazardous material at your business

You need to register your business if you work with hazardous materials.


1. Find out if you need to apply

You need to apply for a permit if your business handles certain amounts of hazardous materials (or mixes). Apply if you:

  • Handle, sell, store, or use more than:
    • 55 gallons of liquids
    • 500 pounds of solids
    • 200 cubic feet of compressed gases
  • Operate a laboratory storing more than:
    • 100 milliliters (0.025 gallons)
    • 25 grams (0.06 pounds)
    • 10 cubic feet
  • Handle radioactive material where you need an emergency plan

2. Contact us

If you're opening a business that will store, handle, or use hazardous materials contact us by:

Environmental Health main line

Ask for Hazardous Materials and Waste.

If you are familiar with this process, you do not need to contact us. You just need to register your business below.

3. Register online

Go to the California Environmental Reporting System to get the process started. Follow the prompts to:

  • Login or set up a profile
  • Add or update information related to hazardous materials at your business
  • Fill out required documents and information:
    • Business Owner Operator Identification Form (BOOIF)
    • Business Activities Declaration Form (BADF)
    • HMUPA annual certification form
    • Maps
    • Emergency Response/contingency plan
    • Hazardous Materials Inventory
    • Hazardous Waste Inventory
    • Training plan
    • Hazardous Materials Reduction plan

4. Pay the fee

Write a check, cashier’s check, or money order to “San Francisco Department of Public Health”. Check the fee schedule for the exact amount. Mail the fee to:

Environmental Health

Attention: Hazardous Materials and Waste
49 South Van Ness Avenue
Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103

5. Get an inspection

We will review your application information and reach out to schedule an on-site inspection.

Renew every year

You'll get a renewal packet 45 days before your permit expires. Check that the information is correct and make any changes. You'll pay a fee as noted. If your business has changed, let us know below.


If you no longer store or use hazardous materials

If you no longer store or use hazardous materials

If your business has changed and you think you no longer store or use hazardous materials, fill out the:

Hazardous Materials Disclaimer Form

Return it to:

San Francisco Department of Public Health
Environmental Health Branch
Attention: Hazardous Materials and Waste
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103

We will review your form and an inspector will visit your business to verify the information.

If you store large amounts of specific substances

If you store large amounts of specific substances

You might have to meet additional requirements for the California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) program. View the list of regulated substances and threshold quantities in the California code. We'll let you know if this applies to you when you register your business.

Make and follow a risk management plan

We'll work with you on other requirements before you put a risk management plan into place.

Plan ahead by considering how you will:

  • handle safety
  • check for hazards
  • run your operations
  • train staff
  • keep up maintenance
  • audit for compliance
  • look into accidents

Consider how close you are to schools, homes, hospitals, long-term care facilities, and childcare centers.

Keep in mind, too, how natural disasters might affect you.




Environmental Health main line

Ask for Hazardous Materials and Waste

最後更新 April 16, 2024