"Summer Vibes"- text to 21201 to get your summer started.

Video transcript

What a beautiful day at the park, I cannot wait to sunbathe.

Its somewhere in here, I know it. I just know it! Excuse me boys, do any of you have sunblock to   help protect this luscious skin from the sun?

Yes queen! 

That's right, I need to get my Mpox Vaccine.

Yeah, just like last summer, many of us learned we needed two doses to be protected, but  some only got the first dose So, reapplying sunscreen is like getting a second dose of the  Mpox vaccine. You are applying more protection.

What, two does! I thought I only needed one to be fully protected. Is it too late to get my second dose?

Girl, it's just like sunscreen, it's never too late to put more protection on!

That’s right, I need to book my second dose of Mpox vaccine before the summer done.

Let's text summer vides to 21201 so we can find the close locations to get our vaccine, or we can go to SF.gov/Mpox.

Oh, thank you boys for that beautiful information  and keeping this luscious skin of mine! Excuse me boys, do you mine  checking this out for me, please? 

Sure, ahh that doesn't t look like a sunburn,  you might want to get that checked out. 

What do you mean checked out?

Well, checked out like when you go to the doctor to get something checked out.  I was told that if got my second Mpox vaccine, I would have had less severe symptoms and a better chance of not getting Mpox. 

I didn't reapply my sunscreen... 

OH! Maybe I should schedule my second dose, just to be safe from Mpox.

Most vaccines offer you a level of protections, just like sunblock. Sometimes you need to reapply for more protection. The Mpox vaccine is based on two shots several weeks apart to provide you with the strongest level of protection if you are exposed to Mpox" Visit sf.gov/Mpox to get yours.

Thank you, boys, for that reminder!

Make sure your fully vaccinated for Mpox this summer. Text "Summer vibes" to  21201 to get your summer started.