Give your time and talents to help with projects around the City.
Clean streets in my community
Adopt a street
Groups, individuals and businesses can adopt an area to keep clean. We will give you free cleaning supplies.
Adopt a drain
Residents or business owners can take care of a storm drain. You will need to keep it clear and free of debris.
Become a Rain Guardian
Adopt a rain garden in your neighborhood. You’ll need to guard it and pick up trash and debris.
Join your Community Clean Team
Work alongside City workers to keep our neighborhoods green and clean.
Join your neighborhood Graffiti Watch
Fight graffiti. We’ll give you supplies and training.
Care for parks, trees, and animals
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Make a difference for animals in need at San Francisco Animal Care & Control. Meet new friends, reduce stress, and get some exercise.
Volunteer with Rec and Parks
You could beautify and maintain one of the City's amazing outdoor spaces.
Support the Urban Agriculture Program
Join SF Recreation and Park Department's Urban Agriculture Program if you are a backyard gardener, community gardener, or urban farmer.
Volunteer with government
Become a Youth Commissioner
If you are age 12 to 23, live in SF, and care about your community, you could join the SF Youth Commission.
Apply to be a mediator for complaints about police officers
Help the Department of Police Accountability handle complaints about police conduct.
Apply to join the Civil Grand Jury
Volunteer to make a difference for all San Franciscans.
Make your neighborhood better
Propose a sidewalk garden
Gardens make a neighborhood more beautiful. Gardens also help in storms and can make trees live longer.
Plant a street tree
Get a permit to plant a tree on the sidewalk.
Get a bike rack installed
Apply to have a bike rack installed on a sidewalk, so there will be more parking for bikes.
Get support for a community event
San Francisco Parks Alliance runs Action Awards, grants for free community events.
Help in an emergency
Sign up for neighborhood disaster training
Volunteer for the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT).
Join the Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team
Get training to help in the aftermath of an earthquake, fire, or other disaster.
Join the San Francisco Medical Reserve Corps
Medical and health professionals can volunteer and get training to help in a large scale disaster.
Map your block
Prepare your community for an emergency, one block at a time.
Volunteer in times of emergency as a health professional
Join the San Francisco County Disaster Healthcare Volunteer (DHV) program.
Help healthcare patients
Help the homeless
Volunteer or donate to local nonprofits addressing homelessness
Improve outcomes for people experiencing homelessness and those in transitional and supportive housing.
The United Way of the Bay Area
Inspires and connects people to break the cycle of poverty in the Bay Area.
Project Homeless Connect
Project Homeless Connect provides the public ways to sign up for volunteer activities.