Step by step

Promote your CCG grant

Create signage with our Community Challenge Grants logo.

Congratulations on your award! Below are instructions for meeting the Community Challenge Grants signage requirement.


Draft your interpretive sign

This grant requires interpretive signage. Interpretative signage creates a positive visitor experience. It tells the visitor about the history and purpose of the project. Signage must mention that the Community Challenge Grants Program is the funder and include the CCG logo. The sign may list other project partners and funders.

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Use the CCG logo in the sign

Preference is for the color logo.

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Design the interpretive sign

The sign design should include layout, colors, and placement at the site. The sign should be a permanent fixture.

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Send the sign for approval

Email the proposed sign to the manager of Community Challenge Grants. Please wait for feedback or approval. After the manager approves the sign, you may start production.

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Service-based grants

For service-based grants, please include our logo on your website and materials out in the field.

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Last updated April 26, 2024