Step by step

Get your small business permits with a 30-day review

Open a new business or change your business operations under Prop H.

Some businesses are eligible for a 30-day review for business permits under Proposition H. Prop H created this streamlined review and approval process for small business permits. 

Follow these steps to see if you are eligible, get relevant forms, and submit your business permit applications.


Check what kinds of projects are eligible


5 minutes

These projects are not eligible for 30-day review under Prop H:

  • Projects that expand the footprint of the building
  • Projects that expand the interior square footage of the business
  • New buildings
  • Projects that include excavation
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Check what forms you need for your business permits


20 minutes

Answer our questions and we will tell you what forms you need to fill out to get your business permits.

We will ask you for your contact info, business address, and project details.

If you are not doing construction, you will need your Business Account Number (BAN) to have your permits issued.

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Fill out the forms from your confirmation email

We will email you all the forms you need to fill out. 

If you are not eligible for a 30-day review, we will email you within 3 business days.

Even if you are not eligible for the 30-day review, these are still the forms you will need to fill out to get your business permit.

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Submit your forms for your business permits


20 minutes

After you fill out your forms, submit them to us.

We will email you a link to submit your forms.

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Wait for our follow-up email


Within 5 business days

We will email you within 5 business days to confirm that your application is complete and accurate.

Once the application is complete and accurate, the 30-day review period starts. 

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Last updated July 27, 2022