Community Based Organizations (CBO) staff

For a person providing Behavioral Health Services through a CBO in partnership with DPH.


Get POI number

Do you have a Person of Interest (POI) number?


Review calendar

Check the onboarding calendar for dates of when the account request form is due 


Verify Provider

Do you give direct treatment or care to clients?


Complete account request form

Once you have your POI number,

  • Download and fill out this account request form
  • Make sure these columns are also filled out:
    • Column P (DSW/POI): Your POI number
    • Column U (DPH Email Account Needed): Yes, only if the person is approved to have a SFDPH email
    • Column W (Epic Access Needed): Yes, only if the person is approved to have Epic access

Email form

Send the completed form to

Once processed successfully, you will receive an email from SFDPH IT Services regarding their account statuses.