Overview of Policies and Legislation
The City and County of San Francisco (City) develops policies and legislation governing how City departments do business with nonprofits, including contracting and oversight procedures.
This page provides information about many of the most relevant policies and legislation, under the following categories:
- Policies and Guidance on Contracting and Monitoring: Policies that departments must follow when contracting with nonprofits. This includes policies on fiscal and programmatic monitoring and corrective action, as well as policies resulting from local legislation.
- Nonprofit Compliance with Local and State Regulations: Policies related to local and state laws that nonprofits must follow when doing business with the City. This includes requirements for registration with the California Attorney General and for posting economic statements.
- City Ordinances, Legislation, and Executive Directives: Legislation and Executive Directives that shape the policies that govern nonprofit contracting.
- COVID-Related Policies: Historical policies responding to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on nonprofit contracting.
- Archive of Other Policies: Archived policies and past versions of current policies published by the Controller’s Office.
The Controller's Office, City Attorney, City Administrator's Office, the Mayor’s Office, and/or the Board of Supervisors all have a role in establishing legislation and developing policy. The Controller’s Office helps departments and nonprofits with the implementation of many of these policies.
Policies and Guidance on Contracting and Monitoring
Nonprofit Compliance with Local and State Regulations
City Ordinances, Legislation, Executive Directives
COVID-Related Policies
Archive: Other Policies
More Information
- View the Controller's Office Programs, Policies, and Information on Nonprofit Contracting page to learn more about the Controller’s Office’s work on nonprofit policy and oversight.
- Visit the Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building Program to get more information about the Controller's Office's program coordinating nonprofit and contract monitoring and capacity building.
- View the San Francisco Nonprofit Spending and Contracts dashboards for summary data on Citywide spending on nonprofit contractors.
- View an interactive directory of accounting firms interested in conducting nonprofit financial audits. Nonprofit organizations can use this to connect with auditors that meet their needs.
- Explore the Public Information about City Contracts with Nonprofits page for an overview of how to find more information about nonprofit spending, performance, and services.
- Learn more about City policies and legislation related to contracting with nonprofits.