2024 Personal service contract requests (July - December)

The following Personal Services Contract (PSCs) requests have been submitted for review and approval.

Proposed Personal Services Contracts

PSC requests may be protested and/or appealed in accordance with the Commission’s PSC policy.

  • PSCs ($200K and below): Protests of a proposed expedited PSC must be filed with the Human Resources Director via email to DHR-PSCCoordinator@sfgov.org by close of business on the seventh day of posting. The Human Resources Director’s decision on a PSC protest is appealable to the Commission within five (5) business days after notice of such decision.
  • PSCs (Over $200K): An appeal of a posted regular PSC must be filed in the Commission’s office by close of business on the seventh (7th) day of posting by mail or hand-delivery with the appellant’s original signature and email address. Appeal forms and instructions are located on the Commission’s website at File an appeal with the Civil Service Commission | San Francisco (sf.gov).


  • If you have any questions, please contact the department's PSC Coordinator.
