Plumbing Inspection Division

Find key documents and forms for Plumbing Inspections

PID is responsible for assuring, through inspections, the proper functioning for installations of drainage, water, gas, and other mechanical systems covered in the Plumbing and Mechanical Codes. These inspections are carried out in buildings which are newly constructed, remodeled, or repaired.PID additionally inspects fire sprinkler installations to assure compliance with the plans approved by the Fire Department plan check staff, and conducts inspections as required by various ordinances. Such ordinances include: the Night Club and Massage Parlor Ordinances (which require code compliance prior to business license issuance); and the Boiler Ordinance which requires that PID maintain records, send renewal notices, and prepare Notices of Violations against non-complying property owners.

DBI Staff Directory

Apply for a plumbing and mechanical permit

Permit to Operate Boiler

Schedule and pay for your inspection

Permit Tracking System

Find a district inspector

DBI Information Sheets

Administrative Bulletins

California Plumbing Code (2022)

San Francisco Plumbing Code (2022)