CopySmart Program for leasing and purchasing MFD copiers and printers

Lease or purchase multi-functional device (MFD) printers, scanners, and copiers through OCA's CopySmart program.

OCA's CopySmart program provides City departments with access to the leasing and purchasing of multifunction devices (MFD) copiers and printers. OCA's current CopySmart umbrella agreements were executed with Xerox, Cannon and Ricoh effective as of June 1, 2024. These contracts are available to all City departments. 

  1. Guidelines for using OCA's CopySmart Program: Guidance on how to use OCA’s Copysmart Program for the Lease and Purchase of Multi-Functional Device (MFD) Copiers and Printers.
  2. How to set up a Copysmart Lease in PeopleSoft & Copysmart Supplier Information:  Step by step instructions on how to set up the a Copysmart lease in PeopleSoft before requesting OCA approval.
  3. Copysmart Quote Form:  All Copysmart leases must use this quote form.

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