Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance provides that the City Administrator receive affidavits from companies subject to the Ordinance, encourage contributions to a Special Fund to ameliorate the effects of slavery, and report annually to the Board of Supervisors.



Chapter 12Y San Francisco Slavery Disclosure Ordinance 


The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator.

The Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance requires companies providing insurance or insurance services, financial services, or textiles to the City to file an affidavit to the City Administrator. 
