Mental health and substance use disorder member handbook
Review San Francisco's Integrated Member Handbook for Behavioral Health services to learn more about your benefits and how to get care.
Member Handbooks
The 2025 integrated member handbook is intended to help you learn more about the specialty mental health services and substance use disorder services (SUD) available through your county's Mental Health Plan (MHP) and Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS). It covers your benefits, services, how to access care, your rights and responsibilities, and what to do when you have a question or problem. Translations of the 2025 member handbook are available here: Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese) Việt (Vietnamese), русски (Russian), Tagalog.
Annual Notice of Changes - Updated San Francisco Behavioral Health Services Member Handbook
Below is a notable change concerning a new benefit coming in 2025:
- Behavioral health links under the Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative
The following changes to the Grievance and Appeal process are taking effect in 2025:
- The time in which BHS must make a decision on a grievance filed by (or on behalf of) a member has been reduced from 90 to 30 calendar days from the date on which said grievance was received.
- For both appeals and grievances, requests for 14 calendar day extensions to the timeframes in which BHS is required to make a decision has been eliminated.
- Members requesting a continuation of services while waiting for the resolution of an active appeal regarding their current services are no longer liable for payment of services received during that period if the decision is not in the member's favor.
For more information or to request auxiliary aids and services, including but not limited to large print documents and alternative formats, please contact San Francisco Behavioral Health Services at 1-888-246-3333 (TTY: 711) Printed member handbooks will be provided to you upon request and free of charge. They will be made available within 5 business days. To request copies, call 628-754-9288 or email
This notice is also available in English, 中文 (Chinese), Español (Spanish), Tiếng việt (Vietnamese), Русский (Russian), Tagalog (Filipino)