Ask for a change to your child support hearing

You can ask to change the date of your hearing.

What to do

Change your hearing date

Call us if:

  • You want to change the date
  • You need instructions on how to appear in court online
You must answer automated questions before you talk to someone.

We will contact the court about your request. There may be other steps you have to take to get approved by the court.

Ask for an interpreter

Court interpreters are free, but you must ask for one ahead of time.

They cannot give you legal advice or provide help outside of the courtroom.

Ask for an interpreter for your court hearing.

Get help with court information.

A family law facilitator can help you understand legal forms and general information about going to court. Their services are free.

They cannot represent you or give you legal advice. Get help at the ACCESS Center

Get help


Child Support ServicesMain Office
617 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Get directions
Monday to
Tuesday to
Wednesday to
Thursday to
Friday to

Open Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 pm

Additional info

About the court

San Francisco Superior Court

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