Programs & Services in the Juvenile Justice Center

Juvenile Justice Center Youth Services Inquiries

If you are interested in providing services to young people housed in San Francisco Juvenile Hall or on the Secure Commitment Units, please use the link below to provide more information about your program.Juvenile Hall Youth Services Inquiry Form

Below, please find an alphabetical list of programs currently operating in San Francisco Juvenile Hall and the Secure Youth Treatment Facility.

AIR Tutors

Air Tutors is an online tutoring program that delivers research-driven tutoring and mentoring services through personalized one-on-one or small group approaches across many subject areas.

Art of Yoga Project

The Art of Yoga Project teaches mindfulness to young people in the justice system, using yoga, meditation, creative arts, and writing.

Their model combines:

  • Gender inclusive best practices
  • Trauma-sensitive yoga
  • Developmental tools for healthy adolescent growth
  • Neuroscience research on developmental trauma and the brain

Beat Within

The Beat Within provides a safe space for incarcerated youth to share their ideas and life experiences. The program helps youth with:

  • Literacy
  • Self-expression
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Building healthy and supportive relationships

From these weekly workshops, The Beat Within produces an award-winning publication showcasing participants' writing and art.


A beautician/braider and a barber come into the facility once a month to provide services to youth.

Border Youth Tennis Exchange (BYTE)

Weekly program that includes professional sports instruction and a curated enrichment curriculum of trauma-informed coaching, sport for development, sport psychology, and positive social and emotional expression.

Both Sides of the Conversation

Both Sides of the Conversations plays Saturday basketball two times per month, offering youth mentorship services while they play basketball. 

City College of San Francisco

City College offers two classes a semester, in person, to high school graduates.

The New Directions Student Support program provides academic support to young people in Juvenile Hall. The New Directions Counselor supports current City College students. The Counselor also meets with students interested in attending City College. Topics covered include:

  • Enrollment
  • Classes
  • Courses of study
  • Academic support

Office hours are offered at Juvenile Hall every other Thursday. 

City Youth Now

City Youth Now’s Inside-Out Program provides academic, recreational, and therapeutic activities to all youths and young adults housed within Juvenile Hall.

Activities include:

  • Academic tutoring from college students and community members
  • Musical performances
  • Basketball games
  • Family holiday brunch
  • Special meals for Black History Month
  • A ZooMobile and Insect Discovery Lab

Fresh Lifelines for Youth

Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY) is a 6 to 12 week law education program. Staff and highly trained volunteers teach a fun, interactive curriculum that covers:

  • Police encounters and arrests
  • Accomplice liability
  • California's 3 strikes law

Health Initiatives for Youth (HIFY)

HIFY’s Building Futures program is a 10-session, modular youth behavioral health curriculum that engages youth in highly participatory workshops that are built around topics relevant to their lives and relationships. The curriculum addresses issues including consent, healthy relationships, sexual wellness, substance use, stress management, gender, and parenting.

Hood Pretty

Hood Pretty works with young women on anger management through Growing with Grace, an 8 week group program that touches on communication, forgiveness, healthy conflict, boundaries, stress management, empathy, and growing emotional intelligence.


iCEV is an online vocational program. iCEV offers many Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses and certification pathways. Students choose their own pathway and work at their own pace. Teachers support students during their coursework. Courses include:

  • Architecture
  • Construction
  • Transportation
  • Manufacturing
  • Business
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Information technology
  • Family and consumer sciences

Incarceration To College

Incarceration to College (ITC) is a college outreach class provided to incarcerated youth through UC Berkeley’s Underground Scholars Program. ITC covers college applications, financial aid, scholarships, trades, sports, clubs, organizations, re-entry resources, business, habits, skills, and personal statements. Students can earn credits towards high school graduation through ITC. ITC also helps youth create release plans and supports them in planning for the future.

International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

ISSA provides online training modules for young people in the JJC who want to become certified personal trainers, nutritionists, or yoga teachers.

Next Steps Project

Power Source

Next Steps Project's Power Source curriculum is a proven, evidence-based social and emotional learning program for high-risk youth.

By learning social and emotional regulation skills, young people are more equipped to:

  • Build healthy relationships
  • Break intergenerational cycles of violence, addiction and other high-risk behaviors
  • Be successful in the workforce

Life Planning and Mentoring

Next Steps Project's Life Planning and Mentoring consists of 1 on 1 sessions where young people work with staff to:

  • Discuss their personal challenges
  • Identify personal goals
  • Develop an actionable plan to meet them

These discussions help youth to leave detention with a plan of action, increased confidence, and a sense of hope.

Occupational Therapy Training Program

Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP) serves youth and young adults through prevention, early intervention, school-based, workforce development, and after-care services.

Therapeutic activities are hands-on, engaging, and meaningful to their clients. They include:

  • Assessment
  • Therapeutic individual intervention
  • Therapeutic groups
  • Psychotherapy
  • Family therapy
  • Employment
  • Case management

Omega Boys Club

The Omega Boys Club works to change beliefs, attitudes, values, and actions that promote violence.

Staff identify and address risk factors for violence, and offer rules for living that promote positive lifestyle choices.

Omega's goal is to prevent the onset of the disease of violence in our youth.

Religious services

Comunidad San Dimas

Comunidad San Dimas offers religious services and promotes the ideas of forgiveness and restorative justice. Their goal is to provide rehabilitation services that help people become productive citizens and stay out of incarceration. 

They support:

  • At-risk youth
  • Former gang members
  • Formerly incarcerated men and women on probation or parole programs
  • Victims

Visiting Imam for Ramadan and additional services as requested.

Rivet School

Rivet School is a college built for nontraditional students, offering online degrees in as little as 2-3 years, with personalized coaching, financial aid, and planning. Starting with a six week on-boarding experience, Rivet aims to support students with one-on-one personalized support to earn their degree and graduate, after which Rivet School provides nine months of career coaching and job placement support.

Scholastic Interest Group

Scholastic Interest Group, or SIG, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to assist young men living in the low-income communities of San Francisco reach their full potential by offering a variety of personal development programs that meet their unique needs. Through an individual mentoring program and life skills workshops, the young men are exposed to a variety of possibilities for the their future success. SIG adds value to the community by giving the young men and their families viable opportunities to improve their quality of life.

Sharp Circle

Combines group and 1-on-1 sessions in order to help youth to: develop the vocabulary of accountability; facilitate their insight into past anti-social behaviors; uncover behavioral trigger awareness, as well as develop new pro-social responses to those triggers; provide leadership development through a character analysis and the deconstruction of anti-social, masculine beliefs; and discern the difference between a victim mentality versus a responsible mentality. Participants demonstrate their transformation of thought through the development of a recidivism plan.

Success Centers

Success Centers' Inside Out intervention model provides services to support youth in custody and continues those services in the community upon release.

Credible Messengers

Success Centers in-custody Credible Messenger Life Coaches serve both committed youth and youth in detention in the Juvenile Justice Center. Credible Messengers initiate trusting relationships, provide mentorship and coaching, and facilitate youth engagement with pro-social activities. Credible Messengers work in collaboration with JJC staff on the units 7 days a week, 9AM to 9PM.

Visual art

In person instructors teach young people how to paint and draw. This helps young people connect to their creativity and promotes cooperation, skill building, and a sense of accomplishment. 

Success Stories

Success Stories is a series of classes that reshapes how young people who have caused harm see themselves. This includes shifting their goals and relationships to the people closest to them.

Formerly incarcerated facilitators describe how they deal with similar thoughts and behaviors through a program called "Relate-Investigate-Recreate." They then encourage young people to do the same.

After graduating, participants stay connected through the Alumni Network. This network offers resources, programming, and accountability to continue on their individual journey. Many participants go on to become facilitators.

Sunset Youth Services

Digital Arts and Technology Program

In the Digital Arts and Technology Program, youth learn creative self-expression and project-based learning through:

  • Songwriting
  • Digital recording and engineering
  • Filmmaking
  • Beat sequencing
  • DJ instruction
  • Instrumentation
  • Podcasting
  • Photography

Educated by industry professionals, youth gain marketable skills while laying the foundation for future employment.

Sunset Youth Services Case Managers offer highly relational, 1 on 1 support to help youth set and reach their goals, overcome barriers, and begin to thrive. They also offer advocacy and support in navigating other systems.

Parenting Programming

Supports incarcerated young parents through a Life Skills and Parenting program that includes 1) a 12-week parenting class based on the evidence-based Triple P Positive Parenting program, 2) working 1-on-1 with Family Success Coaches to learn, understand, and integrate the positive factors that lay the groundwork for a healthy family life, and 3) a Bedtime Story Project in which parents select a book from the public library, practice reading it aloud in their home language, and then record this with our Digital Arts staff to give to their child.

Culinary Program

Sunset Youth Services teaches an 8-week cohort centered around cooking skills, helping young people to learn the basics of food prep and growing their confidence in the kitchen.

Victim Offender Education Group (VOEG)

VOEG is a restorative justice group program for young people who wish to understand themselves better. VOEG helps young people understand how their life experiences and decisions led them to their current circumstances and how their crimes have impacted their victim(s). The purpose of the training is to help committed young people understand and take responsibility for the impact of the crime(s) they have committed. The class culminates with participants meeting with victims for a healing dialogue.

Young Women’s Freedom Center

The Young Women’s Freedom Center (YWFC) empowers and inspires cis and trans young women, trans young men, and gender-expansive young people who have been disproportionately impacted by incarceration, racist and sexist policies, the juvenile and criminal justice systems, and/or the underground street economy, to create positive change in their lives and communities.

YWFC provides a curriculum to help young people develop:

  • Critical thinking skills
  • Life skills
  • Juvenile criminal justice system 101
  • Self-esteem and self-advocacy 

YWFC also provides courtroom advocacy and continues their relationships with youths and young adults within the community.